FirstKit 1.3.0 Wiki




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This plugin will provide users with a customisable kit, but only one time. The plugin comes with group support, and more!

What does it do?

As said in the first line of this description, this plugin will give users a kit, but just once (until an admin unbans them with /fkunset). Config files are stored in the 'plugins folder', in a folder with the plugin name. Notes about editing these config files are in the files themselves


  • To use FirstKit 1.3.0, you must have Vault installed on your server. You can get Vault here. If you don't want to use the group-kits, just stay with version 1.2.1. We will probably remove hard-dependency on vault in version 1.3.1.
  • We recommend using a permissions plugin with group management feature to get the most out of FirstKit.


  • /fkgive->Base command to give commandsender a kit.
  • /fkset [player]->Bans set player from getting a kit.
  • /fkunset [player]->Unbans/pardons a player from getting a kit.
  • /fk [groups] [setkit:setallowed] [Group:(Kit)] -> Mainly admin stuff, see groups documentation for more details.
  • /fkinfo -> Shows information about current FirstKit version

Command reference

/fk This command is intended for admin use. Usage: /fk [groups] [setkit:setallowed] [Group:(Kit)]

  • setkit: specifies a kit for a certain group. Group is case sensitive. Fails when:
  • Group doesn't exist
  • Kit isn't specified in config.yml
  • setallowed: specifies wheter a certain group is allowed to get a kit. Group is case sensitive Fails when:
  • Group doesn't exist

Configuration reference

FirstKit comes with an advanced configuration system, with options to define kits, groups, and other settings. You can edit this file with in-game commands, but this functionallity is limited, so to do some advanced editing you'll need to open the files in a texteditor. Any texteditor, including notepad will work for this. However, when editing the file manually, there are some things you need to know:

The configuration file is located at: <your bukkit or spigot server>/plugins/FirstKit/config.yml. The default configuration, which is installed when the plugin is first started, or when this file is missing, will look like this:

        - STONE_SWORD,1
        - STONE_PICKAXE,1
        - STONE_AXE,1
        - STONE_SPADE,1
        - COOKED_BEEF,10
    kit-positive: GOLD
    kit-negative: RED
    error: DARK_RED


At the top of this file there are some comment lines, these are instructions for editing the file, the same ones as you'll find here. Underneath the instructions, you'll find the default kit, specified by


Underneath that, you'll find some colorcodes. These are values for the textcolor in messages, broadcasted to players. You can edit these if you wish to maintain a specific color theme on you're server. Underneath that are some sections related to group association, it is strongly recommended you don't edit these manually, as there exist in-game commands to do so.

Some do's and don'ts when editing the config file

  • Pay close attention to indentation, this is very important for the plugin to work, because Bukkit will refuse to load the plugin if the indentation is incorrect. Instead of using tabs, use 4 spaces for indentation. In some more advanced text editors you can set tabs to be converted to 4 spaces.
  • When creating a custom kit, it is strongly recommended to copy the default kit, then modify this to your heart's content. This to prevent errors with indentation and spacing.
  • When creating kits, think about the amount of items you want to give. Theoratically, these amounts are unlimited, but a player's inventory only counts 36 slots, and a player might also already have items in the inventory. When you don't specify an amount, the amount will be set to 1.
  • When creating kits, it is important to check if the item values you've entered actually exist. You can use this link to check: click me....
  • Just like with kits, colors must also exist, to check you can use this link: click me...
  • When you're done, you can use this handy-dandy web-app to check your indentation: click me...
  • When you've messed up REALLY BAD, you can just delete you're modified configuration file, and the plugin will install the default values automagically on the next server restart/reload.
  • Lastly, use your head while editing this file, and only edit the file if you know what you're doing to ensure best functionality of the plugin


Version control is located on github.
You can also view the changelog for this version on the changelog page.

Let us know what you think

We are thrilled to hear your experiences with and thoughts about the FirstKit plugin. Feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this page, or to send a ticket if you want to report a bug or give feedback.


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