
Version 1.3.1

  • Removed vault hard-dependency
  • Fixed a bug where an error about a color not existing, even though existing and set, would be thrown.

Version 1.3.0

‘A small step for kits, a big step for FirstKit’, they said.

This means: FirstKit has been updated to version 1.3, woohoo. This is our biggest update yet, with an almost complete rewrite of the plugin.

Now with:

  • Support for groups. This works via Vault, so Vault plugin is now required for FirstKit to work. If you just want basic functionality, without group support and that kind of fancy things, you can use version 1.2.1.
  • The ability to specify an unlimited number of items in a kit (Well, not really unlimited, you are restricted by player inventory space).
  • The ability to specify the amount of a kit item (Don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier).
  • PROPER config files, not in plain .txt format.
  • NO crashes when a specified kit item or color is not found.
  • Overall better-ness.

Some fun facts about this update (Well, fun… You’ll have to decide that for yourself)

  • The plugin file’s size has been doubled since version 1.2.1.
  • Only the base file which handles giving kits is double the size of the first version of this plugin.
  • For the first time, there are also some beta builds of this update available. You can download these and laugh at the extremely stupid bugs existing in there, some bugs just were too obvious to not before releasing a beta build.

The old config files in fkconfig are not in use anymore, so you can delete them because you don’t need them anymore. Please create a ticket or leave a comment if you find a bug, we test builds very thoroughly before we post them, but there will always be something we haven’t tested.