FigAdmin v5.0.2
FigAdmin is a simple /ban /tempban /kick administration plugin Some features include:- Ban records
- IP banning
- Editing bans (very thorough)
- Warnings
- MySql or Flatfile support
- PHP script for a public banlist table (if you use MySQL)
- Export bans to vanilla minecraft banned-players.json and banned-ips.json
- Download latest version of FigAdmin and put it in plugins/ folder
- Restart server with save-all and then stop
- Find the FigAdmin config file in plugins/FigAdmin/config.yml and edit it till you are happy
- Do /reloadfig
UUID support:
FigAdmin has full uuid support. In addition, you can perma-ban a player that has not been on your server before if you spell their name correctly. Remember minecraft usernames are case sensitive.Plugin Usage:
- /ban player (reason) - bans player
- /tempban player time sec/min/hour/day/week/month (reason) - Temporarily ban player
- /ipban on|off turns - IP banning on/off (will IP ban only for online players)
- /unban player - unbans player
- /unbanip ip - unbans players with ip
- /checkban player - Checks to see if player is banned
- /kick player (reason) - kicks player
- /kick * - kicks all the players from the server
- /warn player reason - Issues a warning to given player
- /clearwarnings player - Clears warnings for given player
- /exportbans - Writes ban database out to banned-players.txt (Vanilla ban list)
- /reloadfig - Reloads FigAdmin
- /figadmin - Displays version info
- /ban - figadmin.ban
- /tempban - figadmin.tempban
- /ipban - figadmin.ipban
- /unban - figadmin.unban
- /unbanip - figadmin.unbanip
- /checkban - figadmin.checkban
- /kick - figadmin.kick
- /kick * - figadmin.kick.all
- /warn - figadmin.warn
- /clearwarnings - figadmin.clearwarnings
- /exportbans - figadmin.export
- /reloadfig - figadmin.reload
- /importkiwi - Must be a server operator
Editing bans
To edit a ban you start by getting it's ID/eb search playername
Then once you have an ID number you can
/eb select 123
From there you can modify it with other commands such as /eb time add 1 day
Then finally
/eb save or /eb cancel
Config Option
Most of the config options are self-explanatory.- ip-ban: when this is set to 'true' all online players that are banned are also IP banned
- auto-ban-on-warnings: when this set to any number greater than 0 players will be automatically temp-banned.
- auto-ban-time: Auto temp ban time (see above); i.e. '1 day'
PHP banlist Script
Source CodeIf you are Polish, there is a Polish video tutorial here:
FigAdmin is an updated version of KiwiAdmin by yottabyte. Outdated KiwiAdmin
First off, thank you for this plugin. I find it extremely useful, and I'm glad to see someone has finally put in the effort to make it. However, I'd like to suggest that you not remove the warnings after reaching 'auto-ban-on-warnings' number of warnings, and instead tempban at multiples of that value. Otherwise, it becomes necessary to use some outside plugin or program to track total warnings (on the way to a permanent ban), and the plugin loses a lot of its value as an all-in-one solution.
Alternatively, adding in a warnings-before-ban (or something like that) option would work and be more automated. Thanks again!
Good day. I ask you for your advice. I do not know what to do next.
2012-05-27 22:34:51 [INFO] [FigAdmin] Enabling FigAdmin v4.0.16 2012-05-27 22:34:51 [INFO] [FigAdmin] Creating table banlist. 2012-05-27 22:34:51 [SEVERE] [FigAdmin] Couldn't execute MySQL statement: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ROW_FORMAT=' at line 10 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance( at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance( at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand( at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect( at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL( at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal( at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute( at selfservice.MySQLDatabase.initialize( at selfservice.FigAdmin.onEnable( at at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( at at
Any news on an update?..
They work for me. Entered in the wrong data for the MySQL info?
Can you make it so if someone gets warned for HACK if they get warned again for HACK they will get banned? Or a command for /checkwarn [player] or a PHP file to upload warnings?
IP bans with MySQL still not working -.-
Is it possible to change timezone of bans (on banlist.php)
And can I remove 'Ban database provided by FigAdmin.' on banlist.php?
its commandbook doing that. has nothing to do with vault. open commandbooks config and search for "ban" move that line from allowed functions to disabled functions.
I recently set up my server, and FigAdmin was working great. Stupid me then installed Vault and it broke FigAdmin. Now it will only let me kick with CommandBook....and commands like warn won't work. I've deleted vault, command book and figadmin. Re installed Comamndbook and FIgAdmin.....and FigAdmin is still broken. Why is this?
Experiencing the same problem as EpicMinecraftBuilds and Destro168:
"I found a bug. I have the latest version of FigAdmin, yet it still shows the message to public: You are banned! Reason: (reason)."
"However, I am definitely going to have to only watch this topic simply because of that global broadcast bug."
Hopefully this gets fixed soon. Apart from that, great plug-in.
Hello! This is my translate for Portuguese Brazilian!!!!! by euQsei !!
mysql: false
mysql-database: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
mysql-user: root
mysql-password: root
mysql-table: banlist
auto-complete: true
ip-ban: false
bans-to-banned-players: false
auto-ban-on-warnings: -1
auto-ban-time: 1 day
banMsgFailed: '&cJogador &e%victim% &cja esta banido!'
unbanMsg: '&e%victim%&a desbanido com sucesso!'
unbanMsgGlobal: '&e%victim% &6foi desbanido por &e%player%&6!'
unbanMsgFailed: '&cFalha ao banir &e%victim%&c!'
kickAllMsg: '%player% chutado por todos. Motivo: %reason%'
kickDefaultReason: '&eIniciado pelo servidor!'
kickGobalDefaultRason: '&eChute global'
kickMsgVictim: 'Voce foi chutado por %player%. Motivo: %reason%'
kickMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6foi chutado por &e%player%&6. Motivo: &e%reason%'
kickMsgFailed: '&cChute falhou em: &6%victim% &cesta desconectado.'
banMsgVictim: '&eVoce foi banido por &e%player%&f.&6 Motivo: %reason%'
banMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6foi banido por &e%player%&f.&6 Motivo: &e%reason%'
banDefaultReason: '&eAlgum motivo que ja foi dito!'
banOffline: '&eAviso: &8Jogador &a%player%&8 nao estava no servidor antes.'
tempbanMsgVictim: 'Voce foi banido temporariamente por %player%. Motivo: %reason%'
tempbanMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6foi banido temporariamente por &e%player%&6. Motivo: &e%reason%'
LoginTempban: '&cVoce foi banido ate &e%time%&c! Motivo: &e%reason%'
LoginBan: '&cVoce esta banido deste servidor! Motivo: &e%reason%'
LoginIPBan: '&cEste IP esta banido!'
badPlayerName: '&cNome ruim!'
playerNotOnline: '&cJogador &e%player% &cnao esta conectado.'
warnMsgBroadcast: '&cJogador &e%player%&f recebeu um aviso de &c%kicker%&f:'
warnMsgVictim: '&cVoce recebeu um aviso de &c%player%&f:'
reloadMsg: '&aFigAdmin recarregado.'
exportMsg: '&aLista de banidos exportada para banned-players.txt'
playerBanned: '&cJogador %player% esta banido.'
playerNotBanned: '&aJogador %player% nao esta banido.'
ipBan: '&eBanido por IP.'
noPermission: '&cVoce nao tem permissao para isso.'
warnDeleted: '&aTodos %number% foram avisados claramente por &e%player%&a.'
warnNone: '&cSem avisos para o jogador &e%player%&c!'
Is there any way to those with dynamic IP?
You win a box of fail. Don't eat it all at once. (tone: humorous)
I'll give a pastie. Here's my banlist:
problem is in EditBan class, probably here => return ( && (o.admin.equals(this.admin)) && (o.reason.equals(this.reason)) && (o.IP.equals(this.IP)) && (o.time == this.time) && (o.endTime == this.endTime) && (o.type == this.type);, it would be easier though, if there were source codes...
I found a bug. I have the latest version of FigAdmin, yet it still shows the message to public: You are banned! Reason: (reason). Also, IP-ban in my config is disabled, yet these people are still getting IP banned. Idk if this is a false alarm (again) :). Thanks anyways.
The banlist.php doesn't work. I added all the info correctly.
I've been looking for a good ban plugin and this one seems very nice. However, I am definitely going to have to only watch this topic simply because of that global broadcast bug. When it's fixed I will be happily downloading. ^^
There is no tickets tab as far as I can see? Would you be able to make it so it doesn't broadcast to the whole server when someone tries to join when they're banned? They all think they're banned and also the banned player can spam the server. Thank you for a great plugin!