FigAdmin v5.0.2
FigAdmin is a simple /ban /tempban /kick administration plugin Some features include:- Ban records
- IP banning
- Editing bans (very thorough)
- Warnings
- MySql or Flatfile support
- PHP script for a public banlist table (if you use MySQL)
- Export bans to vanilla minecraft banned-players.json and banned-ips.json

- Download latest version of FigAdmin and put it in plugins/ folder
- Restart server with save-all and then stop
- Find the FigAdmin config file in plugins/FigAdmin/config.yml and edit it till you are happy
- Do /reloadfig
UUID support:
FigAdmin has full uuid support. In addition, you can perma-ban a player that has not been on your server before if you spell their name correctly. Remember minecraft usernames are case sensitive.Plugin Usage:
- /ban player (reason) - bans player
- /tempban player time sec/min/hour/day/week/month (reason) - Temporarily ban player
- /ipban on|off turns - IP banning on/off (will IP ban only for online players)
- /unban player - unbans player
- /unbanip ip - unbans players with ip
- /checkban player - Checks to see if player is banned
- /kick player (reason) - kicks player
- /kick * - kicks all the players from the server
- /warn player reason - Issues a warning to given player
- /clearwarnings player - Clears warnings for given player
- /exportbans - Writes ban database out to banned-players.txt (Vanilla ban list)
- /reloadfig - Reloads FigAdmin
- /figadmin - Displays version info
- /ban - figadmin.ban
- /tempban - figadmin.tempban
- /ipban - figadmin.ipban
- /unban - figadmin.unban
- /unbanip - figadmin.unbanip
- /checkban - figadmin.checkban
- /kick - figadmin.kick
- /kick * - figadmin.kick.all
- /warn - figadmin.warn
- /clearwarnings - figadmin.clearwarnings
- /exportbans - figadmin.export
- /reloadfig - figadmin.reload
- /importkiwi - Must be a server operator
Editing bans
To edit a ban you start by getting it's ID/eb search playername
Then once you have an ID number you can
/eb select 123
From there you can modify it with other commands such as /eb time add 1 day
Then finally
/eb save or /eb cancel
Config Option
Most of the config options are self-explanatory.- ip-ban: when this is set to 'true' all online players that are banned are also IP banned
- auto-ban-on-warnings: when this set to any number greater than 0 players will be automatically temp-banned.
- auto-ban-time: Auto temp ban time (see above); i.e. '1 day'
PHP banlist Script
Source CodeIf you are Polish, there is a Polish video tutorial here:
FigAdmin is an updated version of KiwiAdmin by yottabyte. Outdated KiwiAdmin
Got problem with announcement. All players can see who is banned. How to disable it for players? I don't wanna disable it for Administration.
if you think there is a bug, file an issue report
I'm using utf8_general_ci
version 5.0.2 converts to UTF-8 database. Database should have never been latin1, my apologies.
Make support for UTF-8
But why the BFG bro? (Sadly, I am the only one that has read that book, and it's the best thing ever.)
OMG best plugin ever! SO helpful!
still works with 1.7.9, it is awesome
my players are getting perm-ban if i set ip-ban: true using tempban command.. this plugin needs tempban ip
Is there a way, in the config that I can make the kick message for the victim so the reason is in the second line no matter how long it is?
This is by far the best banning related plugin! I had no issues with it so far but it would be great if you added a /mute!
Hi, i have an issue is i am an owner of a server and i have admins and moderators that can ban me so is there a way to make me unbannable by any means (guess by the means of permission nodes) and if there isn't then please add this feature in the next release of the plugin as i really need the problem solved soon. thx!
This is my favorite banning plugin but I seem to be having an issue.
Fresh install on 1.6.4 bukkit server. Change SQL details so it connects. I ban player X for test. When player X tries to join, it broadcasts to everyone the default message for the banned person. "You are banned from this server! Reason: Test"
Any fixes?
Best. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for creating and sharing this plugin. FigAdmin 4.0.20 is working on CraftBukkit 1.6.4-R0.1 with Java 1.7.0_40 (64-bit) with PermissionEx 1.20.3 and Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS (64-bit) and Windows 7 (64-bit)
I have tried all the commands and they work and no error messages show in server.log / console.
The only thing I'd like seen changed is the exportbans function. Currently, it only exports the name. It would be nice if it exported the rest of the information. For example:
Working with 1.5.2?
It works fine.
This is one of my favorite banning plugins.. It really should be updated...
Update Please! :d