
Configuration Files:

English - French - Italian

Almost all text used within the plugin can be edited to your servers locale/language (or just changed to make it more funny!)


This is the text that announces that a player has farted.

  • announcement - Single string value per fart strength.
    announcement: did a botty burp!

    announcement: floated an air biscuit!

    announcement: is a gusty windflap!

    announcement: dropped a nucular gas bomb!


This is the text that notifies players affected by the fart that a player has farted.

  • notification - String list values that get selected at random
    - did a botty burp!
    - pfffft!
    - farted!

    - floated an air biscuit!
    - trumped!
    - blew off!
    - played a bum note!

    - is a gusty windflap!
    - let rip
    - dropped one!
    - i'll blame that one on the dog!

    - dropped nucular grade gas!
    - is expecting a fallout zone!
    - is glad they're wearing a gas mask!


This is the text that players affected respond with when affected by a fart.

  • notification - String list values that get selected at random
    - O.O
    - eeeeewwww....!
    - someone squeezed cheese!
    - OMG!

    - cough, splutter!
    - I think I stood in something?
    - I smell burnt rubber!
    - '&$%%@*&!'

    - OMG! that stinks!
    - Nooooooooo...
    - chokes
    - faints
    - barfs!

    - my eyes!... the burning!
    - gas.. gas.. gas..!
    - run for your life!!
    - has lost the will to live


List of string values that are used within the plugin that can be changes to better provide locale support.

  • nether - Message given when player dies in the nether.
  • nopermission - Message given when player does no have permission to use command
  • nogas - Message given when in cooldown
  • immune - Message given to immune player when a player farts nearby and it should of affected them.
  • isimmune - Message given when an immune player should of been affected
  • nearyou - Locale term for someone farted near you (prefixed in plugin with player name)
  • found - Locale term for found (suffixed by player name)
  • turnon - Message given when plugin enabled ingame
  • turnoff - Message given when plugin disabled ingame
  • fartoff - Message given when fart plugin disabled when player type /fart
  • addimmunity - Message given when player added to immunity list ingame
  • alreadyimmune - Message given when player already listed on the immunity list
  • removeimmunity - Message given when player removed from immunity list ingame
  • noadminperm - Message given to admin when trying to use op only commands
  • nofindplayer - Message given when trying to find a player by name but none found
  • noplayerstonuke - Message given when /farts nuke used but no players online to be affected
  • omg - Message broadcasted when /fart nuke used and players online
  • unrecognisedparams - Locale term for when a parameter is not recognised
  • secondparamneeded - Locale term for when second parameter not recognised
  • tomanyparams - Locale term for when too many params used with a command
    nether: has learnt not to fart in the nether!
    nopermission: you have no permission to fart!
    nogas: run out of gas!
    immune: Bet your glad your immune to gas?
    isimmune: is immune to your gas attack!
    nearyou: farted near you!
    found: Found
    turnon: Setting config to 'enabled' for fart plugin.
    turnoff: Setting config to 'disabled' for fart plugin.
    fartoff: You don't have permission to fart!
    addimmunity: added to the fart immunity list
    alreadyimmune: already listed!
    removeimmunity: removed from the fart immunity list
    noadminperm: Sorry you do not have permission for this command.
    nofindplayer: Could not find player
    noplayerstonuke: Such power... but no victims to feel the wrath!
    omg: O.M.F.G! - What have I done!
    unrecognisedparams: Sorry, unrecognised parameter entered!
    secondparamneeded: Second parameter required.
    tomanyparams: Sorry, to many parameters entered!


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