This plugin allows you to add additional fake players in your server player list, which you see when press "tab"-key in game. Fake players could be added manually or you can use NPC's name to show at player list.
This plugin is using library ProtocoLib to provide a fake information at server list menu. If ProtocolLib is not installed you will not be able to add fake players to your server.
- Colorize real players name in list. In addition you can define color for name of your server admin group
- Display fake player names in list.
- Display NPC's (provided by Citizens plugin) name in list
- Add/remove fake players
- Override /list command and show same information as in TAB-list
- Fake serverlist menu to show fake counters for online players, reserverd slots and motd.
Video tutorial
Review by ServerMiner.
German Turorial by LegendSmile: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/fakeplayers/pages/main/more-video/
Why do I want it?
You need to install FakePlayersOnline if you need to:
- Change color of player list
- Show a fake information about logged-in players;
- Show NPC's name to your players;
- Show an additional "moto" or short message in player list;
How to use it?
- Install FakePlayersOnline and ProtocoLib
- Add fake players in list
- Press tab key
- /fpo help - display help page
- /fpo lock - lock (and unlock) server. When server turns to locked all players will be kicked.
- /fpo real - toggle overriding real players in list
- /fpo add <fakeplayer> - add fake player to list
- /fpo join <fakeplayer> - add fake player to list and broadcast join-message
- /fpo del <fakeplayer> - remove fake player from list
- /fpo leave <fakeplayer> - remove fake player from the list and broadcast leave-message
- /fpo list - display fake playerlist
- /fpo fake - toggle displaying fake players in list
- /fpo npc - toggle displaying NPC's names in list
- /fpo serverlist - toggle fake online info at server list menu
- /fpo slots [fake reserved slots] - toggle faking the reserved slots counter or set it's value
- /fpo listcmd [command1,command2..] - toogle using the /list command overriding, or define /list command aliases
- /fpo online [fake players online] - toggle faking the fixed online counter or set it's value
- /fpo motd [MOTD] - toggle using the alternative MOTD or set it's value
- /fpo cfg - display current configuration
- fakeplayers.config - allows to use all commands of the FakePlayersOnline
- fakeplayers.canseehidden - players with this permission will see name of hidden players in list (FakeQuit, Vanish, etc...)
- fakeplayers.red - will color name of players with same permission to red (by default, or any other color defined in config)
- fakeplayers.unlock - allows player to ignore lock-state of server (can connect to locked server, will not kicked after /fpo lock command)
Metrics and update checker
FakePlayersOnline includes two features that use your server internet connection. First one is Metrics, using to collect information about the plugin (versions of plugin, of Java.. etc.) and second is update checker, checks new releases of FakePlayersOnline after plugin startup and every half hour. This feature is using API provided by dev.bukkit.org. If you don't like this features you can easy disable it. To disable update checker you need to set parameter "version-check" to "false" in config.yml. Obtain more information about Metrics and learn how to switch it off, you can read here.
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You can buy me a chocolate!
- Plugin downloads: 70000
- Chocolates received: 2
How can i disable the command /list. I using the essentials /list command and both irritated players :(
@bierdosenhalter Tab list is limited by 15 characters. This is the length of "bierdosenhalter". But color symbols are represented as two characters. So colored name in TAB list is limited to 13 symbols. Sorry, it's a Minecraft limitation :(
v0.1.4 Uploaded, waiting for approval
How can you enable the player list in the Server-menu?
my name "bierdosenhalter" is shown as "bierdosenhalt" in the online player list. is it my fault? is there a config setting for max name length?
greetz bdh
No problem! And sure thing! Peace man.
Thank you! Can I use embed your video in plugin description? :)
Hey man, I did a review/ showcase of your plugin. Great work! You can check it out here if you want - http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sfoku2OsTE Keep up the good work!
Many players afraid to join empty servers no matter how good they are, so this is a good solution, especially for just opened servers :)
thank you.
@BattleLegions It's uploaded. But we must wait some time for approval.
Where is the download link for v0.1.3, I can only find the v0.1.2. Thanks!
New ProtocolLis is great! I have version of FPO that works fine with 1.7.2. But I need some code optimizations and test before uploading it. I think tomorrow I'll do it :)
P.S. Now I need some time to sleep :)
Any news on the update @fromgate ? We're all waiting eagerly, checking daily :-)
I will buy you chocolate if you can update the plugin by this weekend. You can count on some good chocolate.
Yes, I'm to update it. Now I'm busy with another plugin but I think update will be ready at weekend,
Hey fromgate, Any plans to update to 1.7.x? Looks like everything works except for faking the online player count in the server list. Thanks!
spigot 1.7.2 is only a test, since it uses bukkit as a backend, and since bukkit is only for 1.6.4 at present of course it will not work
Hope bungee is being added soon :D