This plugin allows you to add additional fake players in your server player list, which you see when press "tab"-key in game. Fake players could be added manually or you can use NPC's name to show at player list.
This plugin is using library ProtocoLib to provide a fake information at server list menu. If ProtocolLib is not installed you will not be able to add fake players to your server.
- Colorize real players name in list. In addition you can define color for name of your server admin group
- Display fake player names in list.
- Display NPC's (provided by Citizens plugin) name in list
- Add/remove fake players
- Override /list command and show same information as in TAB-list
- Fake serverlist menu to show fake counters for online players, reserverd slots and motd.
Video tutorial
Review by ServerMiner.
German Turorial by LegendSmile: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/fakeplayers/pages/main/more-video/
Why do I want it?
You need to install FakePlayersOnline if you need to:
- Change color of player list
- Show a fake information about logged-in players;
- Show NPC's name to your players;
- Show an additional "moto" or short message in player list;
How to use it?
- Install FakePlayersOnline and ProtocoLib
- Add fake players in list
- Press tab key
- /fpo help - display help page
- /fpo lock - lock (and unlock) server. When server turns to locked all players will be kicked.
- /fpo real - toggle overriding real players in list
- /fpo add <fakeplayer> - add fake player to list
- /fpo join <fakeplayer> - add fake player to list and broadcast join-message
- /fpo del <fakeplayer> - remove fake player from list
- /fpo leave <fakeplayer> - remove fake player from the list and broadcast leave-message
- /fpo list - display fake playerlist
- /fpo fake - toggle displaying fake players in list
- /fpo npc - toggle displaying NPC's names in list
- /fpo serverlist - toggle fake online info at server list menu
- /fpo slots [fake reserved slots] - toggle faking the reserved slots counter or set it's value
- /fpo listcmd [command1,command2..] - toogle using the /list command overriding, or define /list command aliases
- /fpo online [fake players online] - toggle faking the fixed online counter or set it's value
- /fpo motd [MOTD] - toggle using the alternative MOTD or set it's value
- /fpo cfg - display current configuration
- fakeplayers.config - allows to use all commands of the FakePlayersOnline
- fakeplayers.canseehidden - players with this permission will see name of hidden players in list (FakeQuit, Vanish, etc...)
- fakeplayers.red - will color name of players with same permission to red (by default, or any other color defined in config)
- fakeplayers.unlock - allows player to ignore lock-state of server (can connect to locked server, will not kicked after /fpo lock command)
Metrics and update checker
FakePlayersOnline includes two features that use your server internet connection. First one is Metrics, using to collect information about the plugin (versions of plugin, of Java.. etc.) and second is update checker, checks new releases of FakePlayersOnline after plugin startup and every half hour. This feature is using API provided by dev.bukkit.org. If you don't like this features you can easy disable it. To disable update checker you need to set parameter "version-check" to "false" in config.yml. Obtain more information about Metrics and learn how to switch it off, you can read here.
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How can I translate the Plugin? Because there is a russian Translation File. But If i set "language: russian" in the config it doesn' work :(
Disable Citizens support in config. It only to Citizens 1.x
update please :D
Hope bungee is being added soon :D
2013-09-21 12:41:56 [SEVERE] org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin FakePlayersOnline v0.1.2 generated an exception while executing task 51 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:56) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/citizensnpcs/api/CitizensManager at me.fromgate.fakeplayersonline.FakePlayersOnline.fillNPCList(FakePlayersOnline.java:208) at me.fromgate.fakeplayersonline.FakePlayersOnline$1.run(FakePlayersOnline.java:225) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:53) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:53) ... 3 more
Hello, can you make it so they will be visible in /who ?
The MOTD Wont Disable..Help Please?
How do i Disable the Tab Colors?
When I startup my server I get this error: http://pastebin.com/H2eGq99B
It use to happen a lot so I updated, Citizens and FakePlayersOnline to see if it fixed it. Well it did fix it always happening but I still get that on startup. Any ideas? Im running the lastest ProtocoLib, FakePlayersOnline and Citizens. Im using bukkit: http://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/view/02346_1.6.2-R1.1/ Thanks.
Thats Minecraft seeing real players not fake ones...
Can you make the Tab trick work on the fake players?
When I go to type in something like /msg lecraeman
I can type in /msg lec
and then press tab and it finishes the name...
However, With the fake players you can't :( Is there any way to make it do that?
I thought I had it set up at one time to add real player numbers to fakes, I could be wrong but I'm sure I'm not.
Bungee ingratiation I will hope be easy and come soon, this will be stellar if I could have this On all 7 servers with counts added.
You can configure motd too :)
Ok. You not the first who asking about it. Will be implemented in next version.
Hello! I'm planning to check bungeecord, but I'm really have not enough time to learn it now.
would it be possible to ingrate this to where it will pass through fake player to the bungee cord player counter? I was using this on the server to show my npc's on the player list but it does not seem to pass the count on to bungee cord.
Hey when I set constant online count to lets say 101 and someone joins my server it still stays to 101! could you please make it so when someone joins and the constant online count is 101 it changes to 102. Thanks!
This actually works :D...however, if you plan on getting more people on your server by using this plugin, it won't. In fact, I got even less people then usual when I bump the pmc server, when I used this to create 27 fake players :\
I mean, I guess it's good for other jokes and stuff, but be warned, unless ur willing to spend a load of time making 100's of fake people, it won't help ur server grow. :\
(also just another forewarning, this plugin automatically changes your server's motd to "FakePlayersOnline Installed!", so, if u plan on using this, u might want to use it when nobody is on so u can quickly change the motd :P
It does work, nonetheless :)
Play with the configuration, You can set a static or dynamic number.
Have you got this working with Citizens, /npc create? I'm trying to take this plugin a step further by having actual NPCs login, But I can't find a work around.
Basically what I have right now is Auto Message running /fpo add & /fpo del every so often. With join/leave messages displayed respectively. Now what I'm trying to add is the citizens command: "/npc create player
at spawnlocationhere". That way there's a physical aspect or, At least as close to physical as possible. The problem I'm having is that when this command is run from console from Auto Message, Something bugs up and, the spawnlocation gets parsed as part of the player name. Has anyone developed a system like this yet that could offer some help?@fromgate
The API is extremely simple if you want to make plugin API just add "static" to all voids, booleans and lists (including fakeplayers list array).
Regards, craftik7