

EvilAdmin is a Bukkit plugin that allows Admins on a server to interact differently with the players. This idea originally came to me when certain events happened on a Minecraft server I play on.


Some commands of this plugin can cause events wherever your looking. For instance, the mobspawn (or mspawn for short) will spawn a specified amount of mobs wherever your looking.

Simple Commands

There are a few simple (mainly chat-related) commands in EvilAdmin. One is /evil me, which makes the sender of the command an EvilAdmin. In order to use any of the commands (except /evil me), the player (or admin depending on the permissions) must first type /evil me

Another command is the help command. There is only a general help (commands and a generalization of what the do) within the plugin, which can be accessed by typing /evil ?


Usage: /evil explode [player] key - [] optional <> required

If the [player] argument is not given, an explosion will be set off where the player is looking. The force of which is configurable in the generated config.yml file. If the [player] argument is given, an explosion will be set off at the given player's location. An error will be given to the command sender if the player is not online.


Usage: /evil harm <player> <amount> key - [] optional <> required

This command will harm the <player> given with <amount> of damage. This will harm the player directly, meaning that only the hearts of the <player> will be affected. An <amount> of 20 will kill the <player>


Usage: /evil ignite <player> key - [] optional <> required

When this command is triggered, the specified <player> will be set on fire. The length of time (in ticks) can be specified in the generated config.yml file.


Usage: /evil mobspawn <mob> [amount] key - [] optional <> required

The mobspawn command (or mspawn for short) will spawn a specified [amount] of <mob> wherever you're looking. If [amount] isn't given, it is assigned the value of 1.

Valid Mobs:

Because you are an EvilAdmin, you can only spawn harmful mobs The casing in the names doesn't matter

  • Blaze
  • Cave_Spider (or CaveSpider)
  • Creeper
  • Enderman
  • Ghast (careful when spawning these in main world)
  • Giant (a giant zombie)
  • Magma_Cube (or MagmaCube)
  • Pig_Zombie (or PigZombie, aka ZombiePigmen or Zombie_Pigmen)
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Spider
  • Zombie


Usage: /evil shock [player] key - [] optional <> required

This command cause lightning to strike. If no [player] parameter is given, there will be a lightning strike onto the block you're looking at. Otherwise, lightning will strike at the given [player]'s position, giving an error message if they're not online.


Usage: /evil take <player> <item> [amount] key - [] optional <> required

This command works the very opposite of Bukkit's /give. The same parameters are given, however it will take the items from the player (giving them to you), instead of giving them. If the amount isn't given, it is given the value of 1.

So: /evil take notch stone will take 1 Stone from Notch and give it to you.

And, as always, will give an error if <player> isn't online.


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