
NB: This manual is for v1.3.2.

How does it work ?

EagleEye save actions performed by players on your server in logs files. A database is NOT needed and you DON'T have to edit the configuration file.


EagleEye have a config file called config.yml which contains fields and values.

Quote from default config:

auto-updater: true
lang: EN
logs size: max: 15 unit: Kio


When its value is true => The plugin check (while loading) if an update is available.
When its value is false => The plugin check if an update is available ONLY when you type /ee-update check

Use the command /ea-update true or /ea-update false to set this field.


This field set the language used by the plugin. It can be either EN or FR.

Use the command /ea-lang <value> to set it. The argument <value> can be:

  • fr => The language will be french
  • en => The language will be english

logs size.max

This field set the max size of logs file, in the specified unit. Its value can be only a number WITHOUT point !
A log file bigger than the max size is copied to the "old_logs" folder and cleared.

logs size.unit

This field set the unit of the size field. It can be Kio, Mio, Gio, Ko, Mo or Go.


Table of existing logs by plugin's version:

action logged \ versionv1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2 and more
player useuse.loguse.loguse.log
player chatchat.lognonechat.log
player breakdestroy.logbreak.logbreak.log
player placeplace.logplace.logplace.log
player commandschat.logcommands.logcommands.log
console commandsnonecommands.logcommands.log

Global formats

Date: day/month/year | Hours:mn:sec ' milliseconds
Location: X: number equals to location in dimension X Y: number equals to location in dimension Y Z: number equals to location in dimension Z


When a player place a block, it written here.
[Date]Player has placed block at block location from player location (world)


When a player break a block, it written here.
[Date]Player has breaked block with util at block location from player location(world)
The word "util" means the item used by the player to break the block.


When a player use a block (right click on a chest, a workbench, a furnace, a button, a door, ...), it written here.
[Date]Player has used block at block location from player location(world)


When a player send a message in the server chat, it's written here.
[Date]Player (modif indicator): message

The modif indicator indicates that the message is really sent by the player (and is not modified) or not.
If the message wasn't modified and really sent by the player => the modif indicator will be "real" If the message was modified by a plugin or was completly made by a plugin => the modif indicator will be "modified"


When a command try to be executed, it's written here.
[Date]command sender: command

The command sender is "|SERVER_CONSOLE|" if the server console sent this command, or the name of the player who sent the command.


Type the command /ea-help to see the help of the commands.


Since v1.3.2, EagleEye require permissions (or to be op) for its commands:

CommandPermission needed