A Bukkit plugin that shows your world's structures (such as Villages, Strongholds, and Pyramids) on Dynmap.
- Adds markers to Dynmap where all structures are located.
Currently supports the following structures in the following dimensions:
- Overworld: Abandoned Mineshaft, Buried Treasure, Desert Pyramid, Igloo, Jungle Pyramid, Ocean Monument, Pillager Outpost, Shipwreck, Stronghold, Underwater Ruins, Village, Witch Hut, Woodland Mansion.
- Nether: Nether Fortress.
- End: End City.
- Configure which types of structures you would like to be shown.
- Localize or change the labels to anything you would like.
- Compatible with CraftBukkit/Spigot, as well as any other Forge based Bukkit-compatible server with DynmapForge and DynmapCBBridge installed.
- Multi-world compatibility with plugins such as Multiverse installed.
The structures node supports boolean values for the following keys:
If true, displays Buried Treasures on your map. Default value is false.
If true, displays Desert Pyramids on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays End Cities on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Nether Fortresses on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Igloos on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Jungle Pyramids on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Woodland Mansions on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Abandoned Mineshafts on your map. Default value is false.
If true, displays Ocean Monuments on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Underwater Ruins on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Pillager Outposts on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Shipwrecks on your map. Default value is false.
If true, displays Strongholds on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Witch Huts on your map. Default value is true.
If true, displays Villages on your map. Default value is true.
The labels node supports string values for the following keys:
If set, the label for Buried Treasures on your map. Default value is Buried Treasure.
If set, the label for Desert Pyramids on your map. Default value is Desert Pyramid.
If set, the label for End Cities on your map. Default value is End City.
If set, the label for Nether Fortresses on your map. Default value is Nether Fortress.
If set, the label for Igloos on your map. Default value is Igloo.
If set, the label for Jungle Pyramids on your map. Default value is Jungle Pyramid.
If set, the label for Woodland Mansions on your map. Default value is Woodland Mansion.
If set, the label for Abandoned Mineshafts on your map. Default value is Abandoned Mineshaft.
If set, the label for Ocean Monuments on your map. Default value is Ocean Monument.
If set, the label for Underwater Ruins on your map. Default value is Underwater Ruins.
If set, the label for Pillager Outposts on your map. Default value is Pillager Outpost.
If set, the label for Shipwrecks on your map. Default value is Shipwreck.
If set, the label for Strongholds on your map. Default value is Stronghold.
If set, the label for Witch Huts on your map. Default value is Witch Hut.
If set, the label for Villages on your map. Default value is Village.
The layer node supports the following key-value pairs:
A string that is used for the name of the layer. It is shown in the layer control UI element.
If true, the structures layer will be hidden by default.
An integer representing the layer priority in Dynmap.
If true, no labels will be shown for structures on the map.
The minimum zoom level where structures will be shown on the map.
If true, coordinates will be included in the labels for structures.
You can also place a hash in front of any of the nodes to comment it out and disable it.
- Website: <https://kovuthehusky.com/projects#dynmapstructures>
- Example: <https://kovuthehusky.com/examples/dynmap-structures>
- Issues: <https://github.com/KovuTheHusky/dynmap-structures/issues>
- Source: <https://github.com/KovuTheHusky/dynmap-structures>
- Builds: <https://travis-ci.com/KovuTheHusky/dynmap-structures>
- Bukkit: <https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/dynmap-structures>
- Spigot: <https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynmap-structures.39534>
- Metrics: <https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/dynmap-structures>
This plugin is great!
However I'd prefer these to show only already discovered structures, rather then already generated structures.
sorry noob question here, btw how to use ingame?
p/s: ahh dynmap not working on 1.14.2 van damn!
This problem should be resolved in version 1.2.1 - let me know if you have any other issues.
Edit: Actually, 1.2.2 is up now with a better fix - sorry.
Should work just fine - it just reads the data from the structures files that Minecraft generates.
I will look into this soon. Sorry for the delay, but I don't get notifications for comments here. If you had opened an issue I would have seen it right away. Will keep you updated - may need more information.
Issue is now being tracked here:
Did this plugin supported maps with different generator preset ??
Same problem here, desert and jungle temples seem not to work (Spigot 1.10)
I cant seem to get the desert temples to show up, could anyone look into that?
Cant seem to get the Desert Temple to work, otherwise great plugin!
Pretty much exactly what I needed. The only thing I'd ask for the next update is for the map icons to be configurable (so that I can make villages use icon:house and so on)
Thanks for saving me the work of having to write this myself!
Ok, I will give it some tests. Thanks
Try the latest build (0.1.3) please.
As far as I know it works just fine with 1.7.10. I've tested it with Spigot 1.7.10. Let me know if you have any issues.
1.7.10 support coming?
I love the idea of this plugin, and would love to use it, but i don't think its compatible with the latest version of spigot.
i'm using: Spigot: git-Spigot-870264a-0a645a2 (MC: 1.8.3) (Implementing API version 1.8.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) Dynmap: dynmap version 2.2-SNAPSHOT-1097
And i'm gettign the following error at server start. http://pastebin.com/sZQh5yw9
Had to edit the Jar file to add "depend: ['dynmap']" to "plugin.yml", as the plugin loaded before dynmap and therefore did not work.
Yes! Should have a release within the next few days.
Will this affect maps that have already been generated?