Based on Landmarks by DFYX and my own multi-type modification of it, re-inspired by its continuation on BukkitDev by Thulinma (especially the inclusion of warp/lookat), rewritten in python, using the dynmap API
- Provides methods for adding Landmarks to the world, which display on dynmap.
- Landmarks may be have different icons and a descriptive label.
- They are persistent, using dynmaps marker storage.
- Includes warp and look-at commands, permissions for all commands.
Comes with a set of 5 custom icons that i made for our server for my modded landmarks 0.2 way back, 4 of them edited to properly display in dynmap (no scaling), the other one looks a bit worse on dynmap than by itself
Just open the plugin .py from the archive in any text editor or IDE of your choice :)
- get dynmap and set it up
- get PythonLoader and install it
- extract the pylandmarks archive into your plugins folder
Change Default Icon
- open config.yml
- change defaults.icon to whatever your default .png is named
Add more Icons
- copy icons as .png into /plugins/dynmap-pylandmarks/icons/
- name of .png minus extension is the landmark type for that icon
- /lm set id [type [label]]
- creates a new landmark at your current position with optional type and label, label defaults to capitalized id
pylandmarks.create - /lm remove id c
- removes a landmark
pylandmarks.create - /lm type id type c
- changes the type of a landmark
pylandmarks.modify - /lm label id label c
- changes the label of a landmark
pylandmarks.modify - /lm list [types] c
- lists all landmarks
pylandmarks.create or pylandmarks.modify - /lm warp id
- warps to a landmarks
pylandmarks.warp - /lm find id
- looks at a landmark
c:can be used from server console
Upcoming features
"Mini-marks" for players, that offer players a way to mark locations for themselves or others. Limited in options compared to proper Landmarks, but with some other useful ways of interacting with them.
Should be deleted from bukkit and taken off of dynmap's page... Can't even create a marker it just returns that it's not a valid marker.
any updates coming soon?
probably not since you havn't been on since aug but still, would be good
This seriously needs a new version or a new update...its kind of crazy how long its been already since its been released.
I agree, I want the players to be able to view the list, but not create or modify them.
Please make seperate permissions fot /lm list!
I am Loving this! however it seems i can only make 10 landmarks before the others begin to disappear is there anyway around this?