Why hide in a hut all night when you can Dream!
- You are sent to the dream world when you sleep.
- While you are there:
- You are indestructible
- You can fly using a feather (when used in conjunction with SmoothFlight)
- You can set the spawn location
- You will return to your bed when you fall off an island to the bottom of the map
- You might find yourself in a nightmare!
Since Notch decided to remove the Skylands from minecraft, this plugin now requires SkylandsPlus. With this change, the ability to choose a different chunk generator for the dreamland or nightmare is available.
I have been working on a flight plugin in parallel with dreamland and they contained similar code. For the 4.0 release and on, DreamLand now requires SmoothFlight
(This is a older version) Thanks to Joey Evans for creating this great video!
- dreamland.goto : allows users to sleep and go to skylands
- dreamland.nowakeup: allows user to stay in a dream during the day
- /wakeup : leave the dream you are in
- /setdreamspawn
GitHub Project
Happy Dreaming!
Perhaps instead of specific permissions, you could add/remove players from a group? That way the admin can control what permissions go to that group.
I know I would choose
-modifyworld.* -xwarp.* -hsp.* mobdisguise.* spoutflight.*
The reason I choose these is that I have a hostile Phoenix Terrain Mod world, which is extremly difficult to navigate, and full of boosted mobs, but eerily beautiful. I intend to use dreamland to explore this world without the risks, but also without the ability to affect anything. The nightmare may be just showing up there with no items, no fly, and no invulnerability. if you allow multiple alternate dreams, I might also include a flat, mobfilled world that you can fly over and chuck fireballs downward :)
That would make sense, could you post a list of example permissions?
This looks awesome!
Would it be possible to give/take a set of permissions upon entering the dream? I'd like finer control over what abilities dreamers have.
I am putting the finishing touches on the new version :)
Please Update!!! :D
Edit: I tried it and it doesn't work, for some reason the spawn area doesn't make a difference.
@Lightwave8 Sounds like a great idea! Will include with the next release
@krock00 bukkit.yml: spawn-radius: 16
@ Naitsirhc_Hsem
I can't find an option for disabling spawn protection and i am also an OP because I am the owner of the server.
Yay! the only other thing I could ask for would be a command for people with the nowakeup permission to go to the Dreamland during the day. Though it's not a big issue, and I'd still love this mod either way.
Sorry I've been gone so long :P
@Lightwave8 I never built in support for it, I will include it in the next release @Lightwave8 I will look into it, I changed it to < 10 for some reason in the 3.0 release
@XYZ24324773 Could you post your config file?
@Adkos Not right now, the source is open if you wish to try to add it.
@xxjetterxx Java's random stinks, try setting nighmareChance to 10 or something
Also, just noticed, but Enchantments are lost on wakeup. any way to fix that?
Any chance you can make it so it doesn't tp you for falling until after you actually hit the void? I'm using a custom world generator, and it's making it hard to dig
I tried to use space for nightmare but failed. Any idea? I put NORMAL for environment and it just gave me null pointer error.
Is it able to turn off the mobs? If I put the spawnrate to 0 or false, there spawn mobs in the caves and dark tunnels, rooms? ... i dont want mobs in the normal sky world so... jeah would be nice if you answer me
do you have the required SkylandsPlus+ plugin?
I've used this in the past and it worked wonderfully, however, this hardly even works at all for me now.
-Percent chances seem to not work at all; for mobs, chance to enter, etc. -falling out of the world merely ports me to the dreamworld spawn (which I can't seem to set with the command), -it spawned me inside a rock in the first place; -using /wakeup only ports me to that same spawn point, -mobs spawn even though they are set to not spawn, -relogging and trying to wake up then kills me, removes all items and enchantments (which sucked.)
I had no related plugins and the recommended build of bukkit. Have I missed some key factor here? Because this plugin seems to not work at all for me anymore; which is a shame because I've seen it's full potential in the past and you've done a splendid job with it.
I have an idea for yah, add a subconscious clock, like a little timer when your asleep to tell when to wake up, thanks!
It's not working! It either gives me a nightmare or i don't go anywhere!
@justineo14 @Naitsirhc_Hsem
Yeah, I've succeed with PermissionEx to deny thoose commands, thanks :)
So... I have another question : is it possible to have more than 2 dreamworlds (skylands and nether) ?
you could set permissions on a world to world basise so that in dream world they cant use /spawn or /home
well thats one way to fix it