Why hide in a hut all night when you can Dream!
- You are sent to the dream world when you sleep.
- While you are there:
- You are indestructible
- You can fly using a feather (when used in conjunction with SmoothFlight)
- You can set the spawn location
- You will return to your bed when you fall off an island to the bottom of the map
- You might find yourself in a nightmare!
Since Notch decided to remove the Skylands from minecraft, this plugin now requires SkylandsPlus. With this change, the ability to choose a different chunk generator for the dreamland or nightmare is available.
I have been working on a flight plugin in parallel with dreamland and they contained similar code. For the 4.0 release and on, DreamLand now requires SmoothFlight
(This is a older version) Thanks to Joey Evans for creating this great video!
- dreamland.goto : allows users to sleep and go to skylands
- dreamland.nowakeup: allows user to stay in a dream during the day
- /wakeup : leave the dream you are in
- /setdreamspawn
GitHub Project
Happy Dreaming!
I Tryed to sleep but it didn't work, this mod its useless.
This plugin was last updated in 2012 and is INACTIVE
Those of you wishing to still use the SkylandsPlus plugin should use the dev builds from their build server:
1.6.4: http://bukkit.jacekk.co.uk:8000/job/SkylandsPlus/36/artifact/target/SkylandsPlus.jar
1.7.2R1 (beta):http://bukkit.jacekk.co.uk:8000/job/SkylandsPlus/37/artifact/target/SkylandsPlus.jar
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the Hiatus, busy with school and other projects. I am working on rebuilding DreamLand from the ground up, I will be posting the new version on github this weekend and posting a jar soon after. The current version still works fine all the way to the current dev 1.7.2
- Christian
Update to 1.6.2 please
There is a great need for this plugin to be updated for 1.6.2 at least 1.6.2!
Dev.. do us a favor mate!
Can someone update this to 1.5.2?
Hello, just wanted to say people are dying when they fall into the void but sometimes the <player> died shows up like 20 times rather than just once. I don't know why its doing that so its definitely a bug lol.
Does this still work in 1.5.1?
A lot of people in my server are saying that their inventories are cleared when they wake up. Is there a fix for this?
<<reply 1203533>
This plugin did not work correctly for me either, with just dreamland and Skylands. Skylands seems to depend on a world plugin. Multiverse is working fine on 1.4.7 it seems. Popped that in and it all works :)
Yes i have it, and i Updated it, and Dreamland, for 1.4.6 R.1 Beta still have the error and can't go there by sleep funny that the consle says its green when i do /plugins
You've also downloaded the SkylandsPlus plugin?
If i comte in the nightmare than fall i out the world?!
Hey, im useing this and i cant get to dreamland, when i do /plugins, it shows operational, but you can't sleep, it just changes to day, even with another player on, plus i get this error http://pastie.org/5628463 i think this is how pastie works, this is my first time I have updated the plugin 15 mins ago from this post so, I think im not the only one having problems, This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.4.6-R0.3-b2586jnks (MC: 1.4.6) (Implementing API version 1.4.6-R0.3) you might not support this version but, it would be helpful {EDIT} and yes, players have the perm, im op and i couldn't
How to set nigtmare?
I need more information than that. What bukkit version are you using? Were there any errors in the console? Did you sleep and nothing happened or did you go to a different world?
This plugin looks interesting. I plan to check it out in a little. :P
when i try to sleep it doesnt send me to the dreamland please help
Finally Updated!
I fixed a few bugs and made it compatible with 1.4.6 Sorry for the wait