
Last Updated with Plugin Version: 1.5

What are Packages

Packages are custom defined sets of commands that a player can use their points on. When a package is purchased, it executes a list of commands defined by the server administrator from the console.

Package Configuration

Each package consists of several attributes. They are:

  • name: The name of the package.
  • price: How much the package costs.
  • description: A description of the package.
  • haslimit: Whether or not the package has a limit or not.
  • limit: If the package has a limit, this is the actual limit.
  • activateimmediately: Whether or not the package should be activated immediately upon purchase, or may be activated at a later time through a command.
  • expires: Whether or not the package expires or not.
  • expiretime: Amount of time, in days, a package will last.
  • commands: A list of commands that will be run from console when a package is activated.
  • expirecommands: A list of command that will be run from console when the package expires.

The package name and the price are very important. Make sure the package name is in the exact case you want it to appear to the player. This will play a huge role when you get to creating the signs.

If you are running a command where you need to substitute in a player name, you can replace where you would normally put the player's name with '%player'


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