
Here I will show you how to configure DonationInfo:

Here is the config variables:

message: 'Thank you for downloading this plugin'
prefix: DonationInfo
- none
- none
- none

Now then the message part

message: Thank you for downloading this plugin

This is the message that will be displayed in the /donate message, you can use colour codes
and also format codes like &k, &l, &o, &m and &n, for more codes click here
and the same goes for the prefix

prefix: DonationInfo

This is usually replaced with your server's name and make sure it has no spaces inbetween! Also works with colour codes, as i said earlier, if you type /donate it will show up as [YourPrefixHere] and the donation message here,

Now up to the Top Donors part,
the command /topdonors will show the following message:
[YourPrefixHere] none, none, none
Now then in the config:

- none
- none
- none

You can add up to infinite amount of names there by having 1 name per value,
If you want to add colours(colors) to the names, make sure you quote them with ' '

Thank you for reading this! and enjoy the plugin!


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