Optional Supporting Plugins



WorldBorder - Load all chunks that are possible for a player to spawn in:

1. If you actually use worldborder
  • /wb <deathswap worldname> fill 20 10000
2. If you do no use worldborder for anything else
  • /wb set 1000
  • /wb <deathswap worldname> fill 20 1
PLEASE NOTE! If in your DeathSwap config, you have the "random_spawn_radius" set to anything but 10,000, substitute that in, anywhere it says 10,000 above

Multiverse - Create a world just for DeathSwap:

  • /mv create <world name> normal
  • In your DeathSwap config, after "world: " put the name of the world you just created

That's it for now!

If you have a suggestion, or something that works well for you, please comment here or on the main page!


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