
Configuration as of version 1.5.0
These are the configuration files for CustomScoreboard, if you have any questions let me know.


#||                             ||#
#||      CustomScoreboard       ||#
#||            by               ||#
#||      GrimReaper52498        ||#
#||                             ||#


#Should the plugin automatically update itself when a new version is released?
AutoUpdate: false

#Should the plugin warn admins when an update is available or has been downloaded when they join the server?
UpdateReminder: true

#Should we check for update every 10 minutes?
BackgroundUpdateCheck: true


#How often should the Scoreboard refresh (in seconds), Shouldnt lag on lower settings

RefreshRate: 1

#What Worlds Should The ScoreBoard Be Allowed In.

  - world
  - world_nether
  - world_the_end 
#Title: What should the title of the scoreboard be?
#Must be 32 characters or less

scoreboard-Title: '&7DefaultScoreboard'

#Variables: Should TPS, Online Players, McMMO Level, Money, And Faction Power be displayed in the scoreboard?

Show-TPS: true
Show-Online-Players: true
Show-Kills: true
Show-Deaths: true
Show-KillStreak: true
Show-Logins: true
Show-MobKills: true
Show-BrokenBlock: true

Show-McMMO-Level: false
#Money: REQUIRES Vault
Show-Money: false
#Faction Power: REQUIRES Factions AND  MCore
Show-Faction-Power: false
#Amount of PlayerPoints: REQUIRES PlayerPoints
Show-PlayerPoints: false
#Amount of Votes the player has: REQUIRES Votifier
Show-Votes: false

#Displays: how Should Each Variable Appear In The Scoreboard?
#Must be 16 characters or less.

Money-Display: '&aMoney'
mcMMO-Display: '&amcMMO'
Faction-Power-Display: '&aFaction Power'
TPS-Display: '&aTPS'
Online-Players-Display: '&aOnline'
Kills-Display: '&aKills'
Deaths-Display: '&aDeaths'
KillStreak-Display: '&aKillStreak'
PlayerPoints-Display: '&aPoints'
MobKills-Display: '&aMobs Killed'
Logins-Display: '&aLogins'
Broken-Display: '&aBlocks Broken'
Votes-Display: '&aVotes'

#Should Players Be Aware That You Use This Plugin Upon Join?
Join-Message: true

#Should the server broadcast a message when a developer of the plugin joins?
Dev-Join: true

#Have A Suggestion For A Later Update?
#Comment Your Idea Here: 


#Ranks: Define how the ranks should show up in the tablist/nametags

owner-Prefix: '&4Owner &f'
coowner-Prefix: '&4Co-Owner &f'
developer-Prefix: '&aDev &f'
head-Admin-Prefix: '&cH-Admin &f'
admin-Prefix: '&cAdmin &f'
head-Mod-Prefix: '&6H-Mod &f'
mod-Prefix: '&6Mod &f'
helper-Prefix: '&bHelper &f'
builder-Prefix: '&aBuilder &f'
default-Rank-Prefix: '&7Default &f'

#Donors: Same as above but for donators

donor-Prefix1: '&8Coal &f'
donor-Prefix2: '&7Iron &f'
donor-Prefix3: '&6Gold &f'
donor-Prefix4: '&bDiamond &f'
donor-Prefix5: '&aEmerald &f'
donor-Prefix6: '&8Bedrock &f'
donor-Prefix7: '&aVIP &f'
donor-Prefix8: '&aVIP+ &f'
donor-Prefix9: '&6MVP &f'
donor-Prefix10: '&6MVP+ &f'
donor-Prefix11: '&bGod &f'


#Current usable variables.
#{player} = Player's name.
#Have a suggestion for one? Let me know!

#Should The BossBar Be Enabled?

BossBar-Enabled: true

# TBA (time to wait in between announcements (in seconds)!):
tba: 60

# Messages (duration = time it will stay on the screen):
    message: '&cCustomScoreboard &7by &cGrimReaper52498'
    duration: 20
    - world

    message: '&b'
    duration: 20
    - world

    message: '&bHave you voted today, &a{player}&b?'
    duration: 20
    - world


#MySQL File for CustomScoreboard
#File should be self-explainatory, if not post a comment on the plugins page and I'll help.
Use: false
Host: localhost
Port: '3306'
Database: minecraft
Username: root
Password: password


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