
Here is a list of commands Aliases are : csboard, and sboard


Command Description Permission
/customscoreboard Base command for the plugin, Displays info about the plugin. N/A
/customscoreboard reload Reloads the config. csboard.admin
/customscoreboard bc <time> <message> Display a message on the BossBar for <time> seconds. csboard.admin
/customscoreboard update Force an update of the latest plugin version from Bukkit. csboard.admin
/customscoreboard hide Hide the scoreboard N/A
/customscoreboard show Show the scoreboard N/A


Permissions Description
rank.owner Gives Owner rank for tablist/nametag
rank.coowner Gives Co-Owner rank for tablist/nametag
rank.hadmin Gives Head-Admin rank for tablist/nametag
rank.admin Gives Admin rank for tablist/nametag
rank.hmod Gives Head-Mod rank for tablist/nametag
rank.mod Gives Mod rank for tablist/nametag
rank.helper Gives Helper rank for tablist/nametag
rank.developer Gives Developer rank for tablist/nametag
rank.donor[#] Gives the corresponding rank from the config file (1-11)


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