
Out of date (for CustomHealth versions 0.5.1 and lower)

Set Up

When included in the plugins folder it will generate a folder with a config file. In there you can customize the messages, some different settings and the whole list of food regenerations. When started for the first time, it'll apply the same mechanics from the vanilla game to the bukkit server.

Commands and Permissions

Arguments in brackets ("[food]") are optional and don't have to be specified.
To use all permissions, you can say customhealth.commands.* .
The official command at the beginning is /chealth, aliases are /ch or /customhealth.

/ch info [food]customhealth.commands.infoGet the information about a food item or the item in your hand.
/ch set <hearts/food> <value>customhealth.commands.setSet hearts / food value for the item in hand [BETA].
/ch create [amount]customhealth.commands.createCreate new config file in the worlds folder. Calls it "groupA.yml", "groupB.yml", etc. until "groupZ.yml"
/ch resetcustomhealth.commands.resetReset everything to its original value.
/ch reloadcustomhealth.commands.reloadReload the plugin.
/ch plugincustomhealth.commands.pluginGet information about plugin name, version, author and website.


Check out the whole configuration file here.

To Do

Known Bugs

  • Slight inventory glitch, which luckily doesn't affect the gameplay


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