
Default config file:

#shop: 'id:type|amount|buy|sell|item name (optional)'
#if the price is equal to -1, then the item won't be appeared
trader_name: '&7&oTrader'
shop_inventory_title: '&c&l- Shop -'
menu_buy_item_name: '&6&l&oBuy item/s'
menu_sell_item_name: '&a&l&oSell item/s'
currency_item: '318:0'
#  - 'id:type|amount|buy|sell|item name (optional)'
#  - '1:0|1|2|1|&lAwesome STONE!'
ignore_sell_menu_item_display_name: true
MESSAGE_DONT_HAVE_ITEM_IN_INVENTORY: '&c[CurrencyShop] You don''t have %item% in your inventory!'
MESSAGE_CANT_BUY: '&c[CurrencyShop] You can''t buy that!'
MESSAGE_NO_EMPTY_SLOT: '&c[CurrencyShop] You don''t have any empty slot in your inventory!'
MESSAGE_NO_DISPLAY_NAME_MATCH: '&c[CurrencyShop] Display names don''t match!'
MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULLY_BOUGHT: '&c[CurrencyShop] &aYou have successfully bought %name% for %count% coin/s!'
MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULLY_SOLD: '&c[CurrencyShop] &aYou have successfully sold %name% for %count% coin/s!'
  • ignore_sell_menu_item_display_name: if is set to true, plugin will check if item's name (in your inventory) is equal to item's name (in menu).


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