Capture The Tower

Capture The Tower

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Capture The Tower is a game that pits two teams agaisnt each other to build a tower of four gold blocks per team with only four gold blocks in the whole game. This plugin was inspired by Achievement Hunter's game Capture the Tower. This version is automated by a plugin instead!


Capture the Tower uses Hidendra's plugin metrics system which means it will collect information including but not always limited to a unique identifier, the server's version of Java, offline/online mode, this plugin's version, the server's version, the OS running the server, core count for the CPU, number of players online, and the Metrics version.

This can be easily disabled by editing /plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and setting opt-out to true. Everything that this plugin collects can be viewed here and additional information can be found here.

Update Checks

This plugin has a feature where it will notify those with the permission ctt.update if there is an update to this plugin. It is done asynchronously. To disable, set 'update-check' to false in the plugin's main config location at /plugins/CaptureTheTower/config.yml


  • Create as many CTT games as you want
  • Can have many games in many worlds
  • Sign and/or command can be used to join games
  • Built to be compatible with any map, no matter the placement of spawns or the tower
  • API included (won't be unchanged until full release)
  • MySQL support and SQLite support
  • Stat system and leaderboard
  • Kit system with many things to customize
  • Respawn delay

Game Sign

To create a sign to join a game, create the game first then place down a sign. The first line should read "[game]" and the second line should have the ID number of the game you want the sign for. Example:


Tutorial made by John4064

Todo List

  • Switch over to UUIDs
  • Add free, good maps for this plugin on another page


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Oct 3, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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