

This page has all the needed tutorials for using CopsAndRobbersPlus to its fullest potential.

For Installation and Configuration reference: Installation & Configuration

For command and permission reference: Commands & Permissions Page

Arena Creation & Setup

So, you just downloaded and installed the plugin, but now you actually want to set up an arena for people to play, well, just follow the simple instructions and you should be good.

  1. First, make sure you are logged in to your server and have permissions to create and edit arenas.
  2. Enter the command "/car create" this will generate a new arena with all of the default settings. It will return a number ID to you, this is what we will use to reference the arena.
  3. You need to set the following locations for players to be teleported to before, during, and after the game. Using their respective commands, set the Lobby Location, Quit Location, End Location, Cops Spawn(s), and Robbers Spawn(s).
  4. After those, get a stick and enter the command "/car tool" this will enable the arena tool.
    1. Once your arena tool is enabled, select the two corners(by right clicking or left clicking on the blocks, one upper most corner, and one lower most corner) of your arena.
    2. Then enter the command "/car set <Id> regen" This will set the regen area for your arena. This is so that after every game, the arena will reset all floating items on the ground and all open doors to closed.
  5. Now that those locations are set, you should set the min and max amount of players allowed in the arena. The commands are "/car set <id> minPlayers <Amount>" and "/car set <Id> maxPlayers <Amount>" (By default this is 4 min and 16 max).
  6. Now set the wait delay (this is the time that the arena will wait after the minimum amount of players is reached before locking out all new players from entering the game). To set this the command is "/car set <Id> waitDelay <seconds>"
  7. Then set the start delay (this is the time that the players will have in the lobby after the wait delay, before actually being teleported and starting the game). To set this the command is "/car set <Id> startDelay <seconds>"
  8. Last time related thing, and the most important, is the game length. This is the amount of time the game will last. If no one has won before that time, the game will be forcibly ended and a winner will be chosen. To set this the command is "/car set <Id> gameLength <minutes>"
  9. Finally, now that everything needed has been set, you must enable the arena so that players can play the arena. To do this use the command "/car enable <Id>" If everything has been set properly, it will enable the arena and mark it as playable. This will keep the arena loaded when the server is up and will let the plugin automatically load it when the server starts up.

    And that's pretty much it, you set up your first CopsAndRobbersPlus arena and players can now enjoy your server's new minigame!!
    There are some other small settings that you can change around, if you want to change them around look at the plugin's Commands & Permissions page for more info on them or look further down this page for tutorials on those.
    Thank you for downloading and using CopsAndRobbersPlus!!

Kit Creation

Well, now that you have a functioning arena for players to play in, you probably want kits. Just a few steps are needed to set up your own kits.

  1. Log in to your server and make sure you have permissions to create and edit arenas.
  2. Go into creative mode and fill your inventory with items you want in a kit.
    1. (Optional) Kits support custom names, name them in an anvil. (They also support color codes with the '&' symbol).
    2. (Optional) Kits also support custom enchants. Add any (vanilla, not other plugin/mod) enchants to any items you want.
  3. Once you have added all of the items to your inventory do "/car kit create <kitName> " this will create a new kit with those items.
  4. (Optional) if you want your new kit to be a default kit (given at game start) you can do "/car set <ArenaId> copKit <KitName>" or "/car set <ArenaId> robberKit <kitName>"

    And that's it, you have created a new kit for a CopsAndRobbers game! More functions will be coming for these kits, but for now that's it!