Config tutorial


The Config is a .yml file and as all .yml files it is VERY sensitive. You can not add a blankspace everywhere.
If you've ever worked with a .yml file before this should be a piece of cake!

If you're new to .yml files we recommend this Essentials page about .yml and bukkit !

The Config

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This plugin was created by: 
# Carlgo11
# Psgs
# Cabbex 
# Get in touch with us:
# Join our irc:

config-version: 1.0
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  General Settings                    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Does this plugin not work? Set "debug" to true and pastie your server.log to an developer
# true/false
debug: false

# Do you want the plugin to update automaticly when a new version is avible? (Recommended: 'true')
auto-update: true

# If auto-update is set to false. Who should recive information when a new update is available? (Recommended: 'perm')
# Available options: op, perm, none
warn-update: perm

# Want to backup the current config and replace it with a new one when a new version of CommandBouncer is downloaded? (Might cause you some extra work when a new version is downloaded)
update-config: false

# When seeking assistance via /CommandBouncer support/report should the plugin upload your latest.log? (Recommended: 'true')
send-log: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Settings                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Enter the worlds you want to ignore players in.
- a_disabled_world
- another_disabled_world

# Enter the players you want to ignore. (You can also remove the permissions from the players)
- anminecrafter
- zyxep

# Do you want to disable the incomming message when a command matches a commnad listed below?
# Example: player types /op & the command is set to be disabled /op won't be executed but the bounce-command will. 
# If a cmd is not set below it will not be disabled.

- cmd1

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   Listen Commands                    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Enter the commands you want the plugin to listen on use the same number on the listening command as on the bouncer command!
# EXAMPLE: cmd1: hi
cmd1: cmdbnctest

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   Bounce Commands                    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Enter the commands that you want the plugin to execute when a player types the given command

- tell %player% hello %player%!



This gives us information about your server so we know how many servers that run this plugin and in what parts of the world. (This won't give us any personal information about you or your server! Just pure facts about the Java version you're running and the plugin version you're using )


If the plugin doesn't work you can set this to true then give us the server.log! Follow all the instructions here!


If set to true, the plugin will disable the command that the player executed and instead send the command that the plugin was given. This can also be used to disable commands completely.


You might don't want this plugin to work in certain worlds, such as survival games and mini-games worlds. Then you can add the world under "ignored-worlds:". Do as we did in the example above!


If you don't want this plugin to listen on some players you can add there names in this list! (You can also use permissions)


What commands do you want the plugin to listen on? For each command add a "cmd<number>:", then enter the command you want the plugin to listen on. (You must use different numbers every time!)


When CommandBouncer have found the command that you've entered in a cmd<number>: string it will check for console<number>: and player<number>: that has the same number as the cmd<number>: string! So always use the same number on the cmd<number>: string as on the console<number>: or player<number>: string!

%% commands

Some commands need to get the players name or the world that the players is in. Then you can use %% commands.
%player% = player's name
%world% = name of the world the player is in

We'll add more %% commands on request!


This plugin also supports color codes! You can use the color codes in the bounce message, (player<number> and console<number>).


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