Developer API

Developer API

Event API

  • EntityRemoveEvent This event will be fired every time clearlag attempts to remove a group of entities from a world. Each event contains entities from a SINGLE world, rather then one big entity list. It's not cancelable but you can easily modify the entitylist and remove any entities that shouldn't be removed.
  • TPSUpdateEvent This event is fired every time Clearlag updates it's TPS meter. It contains both the old TPS and new TPS. Once again, not a cancelable event but good for getting TPS quick.

Registering commands as clearlag sub-commands

If for whatever reason you want to include some commands under /lagg.

Extend the CommandModule abstract module class and override "public void run(CommandSender sender, String[] args)' (Ran every time clearlag executes the command). It's also necessary to override the fields located in CommandModule in your constructor. Like below:

public class MyClearlagCmd extends CommandModule {

	public MyClearlagCmd() {
		cmdName = "nameOfcommand";
		argLength = 0;
		usage = "(Desc of command)";

	public void run(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {


Loading your command module:

new MyClearlagCmd(this).setEnabled();

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