ChestShop (iConomyChestShop)
Acrobot released his first Android game, would you mind giving it a go?
A simple, yet very powerful system for making physical shops using signs and chests.
It's never been that easy to create shops! With features like shop protection and anti-lag protection, you won't have to worry about your server's economy anymore!
"Just works"! ChestShop supports almost all economy plugins by using Vault!
(Versions above 3.9.2 also support economy plugins using the Reserve API)
Some known compatible and incompatible economy plugins.
Please check if there are newer development builds before reporting issues!
If you are upgrading from a previous version of ChestShop please make sure to always read the warnings in the file's changelog!
The plugin by default submits anonymous stats about your server (player count, plugin/server version and type) to a public statistics websites ( and in order to provide the developers with usage information. If you wish to opt out, you can do so in the PluginMetrics/config.yml and bstats/config.yml files. It also features an auto-update feature, which can be turned off in the config.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Permissions
- User-made tutorials
- Download the latest stable version
- Download the latest development version
- Download 1.12.2 version
- Download 1.8.8 version
- Download older versions
- API for plugin developers
- Source code on GitHub
- Crowdin Localization Project
- Thread on Bukkit forums
- IRC chat (#chestshop on
- Discord Channel Joining through that invite auto subscribes you to important update notifications, if you don't want that use this invite.
- bStats metrics
Additional modules for ChestShop:
- ChestShop LegacyIds - allows usage of numeric and old pre 1.13 string IDs on signs
- Notification module - to use with Notifications plugin (outdated)
- Towny module - to use with Towny plugin
- ChestShop Notifier - records all sales, even when the player is offline (Maintained by Phoenix616)
- ChestShopTools - Enchantment info signs and empty shop notifier (Maintained by Phoenix616)
- Adda - Item display icons above the chest, transaction limit, Discord alerts, per-player shop limit! (User-made)
- ChestIcon - Icons for Chests, just like the Showcase plugin! (User-made, broken on newer versions)
- Libelula Auto Shop - easy creation of admin shops, using Essentials (User-made)
- ChestShopLimiter+ - limits the number of shops per player (User-made, abandoned)
- ChestShopListing - Stores shops and transactions in SQL; adds related features including in-game search (User-made)
- ChestShopConfirmation - confirmation screen before buying (User-made)
- SearchChestShop - search for shops selling certain items (User-made)
- BoltChestShop - Add support for Bolt container protections (Made by the Bolt author)
Using shops
It's easy! Just right-click the sign to buy, left-click to sell. (You can configure the buttons in the config file!)
How to create a shop
Player shop
Place a chest on the ground | |
Place a sign 1 block away from the chest (for example, above it) | |
On the sign, write: | |
Leave the first line empty. It will be automatically filled with your name by the plugin (if you have the permission ChestShop.admin then you can create shops with the names of other players) | |
Second line is the amount of items to buy or sell | |
Third line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You need to have a price indicator (like 'B' - price that will apply to items BOUGHT by PLAYERS - or 'S' - the SELL price) near the price - the prices are separated by a colon (:) |
Some of the possible price combinations: "B 5:5 S", "B 5", "S free" |
The forth line will hold the id/name of the item. Write ? on the sign and the item will be autofilled with the one from the chest or you can click on the sign with the item afterwards. Optionally you can put the actual name on it. You can find out the name of the item you're holding by doing /iteminfo |
Resulting Shop | |
A person can buy 64 diamonds for 10 dollars and sell them back for 5 dollars from Phoenix616 |
If you want you can also take a look at this video tutorial.
Admin Shop - shop with unlimited items
Firstly, you've got to be sure that you've the ChestShop.admin permission or that you are an OP. To make an Admin Shop, simply put "Admin Shop" (configurable in config.yml) on the first line of the sign when creating the shop. Admin Shops do not require a chest!
- /iteminfo - Get information about the item in your hand
- /iteminfo <id/name> - Get information about the item with the given id or name
- /shopinfo - Get information about the looked-at shop
- /csgive <itemcode> [<amount>] [<player>] - Give item with a unique ChestShop code to a player
- /cstoggle - Toggle buy and sell notificiation messages
- /chestshop version - Display the ChestShop version
- /chestshop reload - Reload the ChestShop config and translation messages. (This might not reload some features)
- /csaccess - Toggles ability to buy/sell on shops while having admin/access permissions and normally being ignored
Permission nodes
Description | ||
---|---|---|* | shop creation and buying/selling - it contains: | |* |
create all types of shops |
| | buy any item from shop | | | sell any item to shop | |
ChestShop.mod | open any shop chest | |
ChestShop.admin | open any shop chest, destroy stores, create (admin) shops |
A full list of permission nodes
Useful tips by players
How not to get bankrupt | A customisable price table |
Alternative price table |
ChestShop directly hooks into the following plugins to provide additional functionality:
- AuthMe (and forks like AuthMe Reloaded)
- WorldGuard
- Residence
- LWC (and forks like LWCX and Modern-LWC)
- Lockette
- LockettePro
- Deadbolt
- SimpleChestLock
- OddItem
- Heroes
- ShowItem
This resource sends metrics data to McStats and bStats. You can opt-out of metrics for all plugins on your server by changing the settings in the PluginMetrics/config.yml and the bStats/config.yml file if you don't want any data to be send.
More info
Even more information can be found in the old plugin thread on the forums.
Got an error or suggestion?
Simply submit a ticket here!
If you have a Github account and have coding knowledge you can also directly open an issue on Github. (You can also fund them via IssueHunt!)
If you just need general help feel free to ask in the comments or join the #chestshop channel on Spigot's IRC network (, webchat)
Has ChestShop helped you or your server?
If you want to thank the team in a more materialistic way, feel free to donate or buy Phoeni616 a beer! :)
A shout-out to Acrobot's friend:
We believe that the music he makes is really stunning - you can decide it for yourself!
If you have an issue then please open a ticket on GitHub or post on for faster replies to questions!
Hi. we are trying to use RedStone Chips but everything we use the..
divider 5 24 Mod
Its trys to create a shop for a persom divider or item mod. is there away to disable something so we can use redstone chips.??
works fine for me.
what about the custom sing text you mentioned once?
@lipe124 Yep, I understand you. But not for now - maybe later :)
@Acrobot :( So dissapointed :P
So any chance to put sell price in green and buy price in red and quantity in uhm.. blue? For example?
The sings don't look very "interactive" with just black text
@lipe124 Well, lol, I meant that the item name will follow the format: Capital letter + normal letters (and if there is a space, do it again)
"Fancy sign formatting"
I don't see a difference at all, what does that mean? I was expecting colours and fireworks and neon flashy lights T_T
(the signs REALLY could use some color on some lines like the prices, buy/sell colors and quantity)
@xXReVurbXx Hmm... I'll check that.
@rasta_lance What are you putting on the sign?
@kahlilnc I'd like to, but unfortunately I don't think so. The color code is 2 characters, so every time color changes, it consumes 2 chars from already low 15-char sign line.
Mine worked like a charm..
Upon making Admin Shops, I changed my Admin Shop name to the name of my server.
I created an extremely large shop with these "Admin Shops", without chests. They were working flawlessly.
I updated to v3.32, and now Chest Shop reports it cannot find a chest with these admin shops.
Anything I'm missing here?
ok so my chest shop is broke i am owner/op and i can create the shop it says shop successfully created but when someone righ clicks they cant buy from it and yes i have all perms dont it worked befor i updated it. i am on the latest build of bukkit (1597) and the newest chest shop and i use iconomy
Would it ever be possible for sign color capability?
@Flenix1 Well, that's exactly what OddItem does :) You can use OddItem with ChestShop too.
Out of interest in the new version it says something about "Another Name" - does that mean we can change the name of what appears?
If not, could you maybe add a config file where we put item:Data numbers, then what it should appear as? Would be AMAZING for SpoutMaterials guys, so I can have "Redstone Dagger" instead of 318:1203 or whatever :P
Ah sorry, i am also using iConomy 5.01 with the latest bukkit build at present...
@datwerd86 The item in hand it probably Piston base:6, so you might want to try that.
ive posted this on the chestshop main thread also
Pistons cannot be sold back to shops Sticky or Regular They can be bought but not sold
cs version 3.31 cb version 1.0.1-R1-b1597
@asofold Sorry, was referring to iConomy, not this plugin.
@Acrobot Oh cool, thanks for the info :)
@Sacredox Hey :) The plugin supports all plugins supported by Register (iCo, BOSE, Essentials, MultiCurrency), but it will be more soon, as I plan on switching to Vault. I want to do it the simplest way for server owners, so I'll probably just switch to built-in register if the Vault isn't found on the server. If you've found any bug in my plugin, just report it, and if you've found any in iCo, I recommend using 5.0.1 - it's probably the most stable one.
@asofold Thanks :)
(Also, I'm writing this for the 3rd time, as there is something wrong with BukkitDev)
Sounds dont lead you to the right plugin :)
How can this be inactive? Check the dates of releases ad chat with the owner...
Almost every plugin has bugs, question is how severe they are and how fast they get fixed...
I like how this plugin works! Thank you!
Does it only support iconomy? Because I fear that has gone inactive and has bugs by the sounds of it. So I was thinking of using something else but don't want to miss out on this plugin so I haven't yet. Does this support or will it ever support Vault?