English/Configuration/Main Configuration

Main Configuration

ChatTweaks has many, many, many options. It can be mind boggling to decipher what they all mean. Here, I will try to explain what they do in more detail. This configuration can be found at plugins/ChatTweaks/Configuration.yml

Default configuration can be reinstalled by deleting the old one, or copy-pasting this pastebin. http://pastie.org/private/zg2jzimcvp8tbp4bjfpa


EnabletrueDo you want Chat Tweaks to check if a player types a hashtag?
ColorGreenWhat color do you want the hashtags to appear?
Count TrackerfalseDo you want ChatTweaks to remember all hashtags?

Note: Count tracker might take up alot of disk place if you have a large server, that uses alot of hashtags


EnabletrueDo you want Chat Tweaks to check if a player types an atsign?
ColorYellowWhat color do you want the atsign to appear?
Count TrackerfalseDo you want ChatTweaks to remember all AtSigns?
SoundArrow_hitWhat sound do you want ChatTweaks to send to a player?

Sound may be set to NONE

Max--Will count how many atsigns are present.
EnablefalseIf true, will count how many atsigns
Quota2If Max Enable is true, how many atsigns is allowed?
Same AtSigntrueIf Max Enable is true, do you want to allow duplicate atsigns?
Only UsernamestrueDo you want to match the atsign with a player?
EveryonetrueDo you want to use the @Everyone atsign?


EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to check if there's a command in the message?
ColorDARK_PURPLEWhat color do you want that command to appear?


EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to check if there's a dollarsign in the message, followed by numbers?
ColorAQUAWhat color do you want money to appear?


EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to enable Channels?
Join SoundORB_PICKUPThe sound players in the channel will hear once someone joins
Leave SoundORB_PICKUPThe sound players in the channel will hear once someone leaves
Default ChannelGlobalThe channel every player will join on login
ChannelsLISTA list of all channels
Channel NameStringThe name displayed for the commands (I.e. /ch join STRING)
FormatStringThe format the chat will take when a player talks in that channel
AllowInLockdownBooleanDo you want players to be able to talk while the chat is in lockdown?
RangeStringSee below
PrivateBooleanIs the channel private (requires permission to join) or is it public

Channel range

Channel range is a unique feature of ChatTweaks. It is very complex. Your first element in range is the worlds. Take the world name and prefix it with a 'w'. Example: If your main world is called world; your range would look like this: wworld But if it's called zinga, the range would look like this: wzinga

Your last element is the range in blocks. Take the radius you want and prefix it with a 'b'. Example: You want your players to chat for upto 50 blocks max would look like this: b50

It is possible to mishmash these elements. Example setting 2 worlds would look like this: wworld+wworld_nether. This means players in world and in the nether will hear your chat. Anding the block radius from above to this (wworld+wworld_nether+b50) means anyone within the same world, within 50 blocks will hear you. Do NOT mishmash two block radius, you will get errors all around.

If you want your range to be global, just set it to INFINITE.

Automatic Messages

EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to display messages per interval?
Interval5Interval in MINUTES between each message
Prefix&5[&6ChatTweaks&5]&6What prefix do you want the message to have?
MessagesLIST OF MESSAGEAll your messages to be displayed.

Note: Messages will be displayed from top to bottom. Note 2: Interval must be a real number (no decimals) and must be between 1 and 1000 Note 3: Color codes are allowed in the messages list.


EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to test if there is an exclamation mark?
ColorREDWhat color do you want the replaced text to appear?
ListLIST OF ITEMSA list of items that will be checked.
List - NameTEXTWhen a user types !website, it will check if "website" is in Name
List - ReplaceWithTEXTIf ChatTweaks finds the Name, with what do you want to replace it?


Hook with EssentialsfalseDo you want to use Essentials?
Afk IntegrationtrueIf Hook with Essentials is true, do you want to enable AFK integration

Note: Afk integration only toggles if HashTags are enabled.


EnabletrueDo you want ChatTweaks to check for emoticons?
ListLISTThe list of emoticons.
List - EmoticonVALUEThe emoticon to check for in chat
List - ReplaceVALUEThe emoticon to replace if we found the emoticon in chat

List - Replace MUST be in UNICODE!!

Misc options

ShowPrefixtrueDo you want ChatTweaks to show the prefix infront of hashtags, commands, atsigns and dollar signs?
Vanish IntegrationtrueDo you want ChatTweaks to hide the login message of a vanished player?
Clear Chat SoundENDERDRAGON_GROWLThe sound to be displayed once someone types /ChatTweaks ClearChat
Modified messagesfalseDo you have a custom messages.yml file?
Enable Spam ConfigurationtrueDo you want ChatTweaks to filter messages?
Enable Death ConfigurationtrueDo you want ChatTweaks to manage death messages?

Technical Options

DebugfalseSummary on startup, will debug your plugin. Use this before sending a ticket[1]
Store in RamtrueDo you want ChatTweaks to store all the settings in ram, making it 10x faster?
Chat LoggingfalseLog the chat to it's own file
Enable Update CheckstrueDo you want ChatTweaks to test if there's an update available?
Use MetricstrueDo you want ChatTweaks to send anonymous data to MCStats.org

[1]: You need to restart your server for the debug to take effect.

And you're done!


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