CommandBlocks and Spawners



This is a simple lightweight plugin that allows players to craft/place/use command blocks with limited commands (the commands can be set in the config)
It also allows crafting and editing spawners for any mob that has a spawn egg
I made this plugin so servers can allow users (non-ops) to use some commands (i.e. testfor) to add extra functionality (aimed for redstone)
The spawner part is so ops (or users) can craft and change spawners without too much trouble
CBaS also allows locking commandblocks so only specific players can edit them. Players who cannot edit specific command blocks will not get any info about them, saving a lot or bandwidth when using long commands.

Example usage:
A few players wants to make an automatic door which opens when a player is within 5 blocks of it (not zombies, pigs, or other mobs),
They cannot use pressure plates because then mobs can open it, and they aren't ops so they can't use /give for command blocks, and even if they could, they wouldn't be able set the command(s)!

With CBaS they can craft command blocks and set the command(s) to allow them to build their automatic door! (i.e. testfor)

This plugin should work with almost any version of CB (I'm going to test more soon)
tested versions:
CB 1.7.x
note 2:
spawners spawn only if they have the correct criterias (incomplete)


commandblock: set a command just like you normally would by right clicking the commandblock
spawner: left click it while holding a spawn egg


One command that has it all:
The command will help any user though this plugin making it extremely easy and fast to learn how to use.


subcommands are used like this: /cbas [subcommad]
list - list all the commands the user can make commandblocks send
reload - reload the config


This plugin shouldn't need too much configuring, but if it does you can edit the config
The config allows server admins to control anything and everything about this plugin, from commands to recipes to black/whitelists
The config is easy to edit and easy to navigate, making it useful for admins with little time
default config


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Beta/Pre releases

do to the fact that Bukkit needs to approve my files (and that can take some time), I will post my files here until they are approved.
newest file was approved


TODO: add a blacklist and permissions for spawners into the config
TODO: add pictures/a video to this page


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 7, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 12, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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