Dec 2019, RandomUnknown at Spigot has taken over.
- Though I (LigerXT5) am still assisting in the minor parts of the plugin, RandomUnknown has spent a lot of coding work to bring it up to MC 1.15.1 capable use. You can find his continuation at
July 18th, 2016 Updated Notification
From LigerXT5:
- For the time being, please use the Spigot Forum for issues and conversations.
- If you would like to assist with coding, be my guest in submitting pulls. I know how to code, but only to a short extent. I am moving focus of updates to Spigot. Due to limited control I have on this listing. If you need to get in contact with me on here, the best way is to send me a PM, that way I get an email notifying me. I don't get emails for forum or ticket posts.
Only One Room Generating?
I suggest checking your config. If it doesn't have the 1.7 new blocks (Granite, Andesite, etc.), the plugin will try to build around them. Add them to the config to be replaced by catacombs on plan and build. Refer to the attached config as a reference/example. If you have a lot of caves or "air" blocks in the area of building, add Air to the list as well. Great if you want floating catacombs in an Empty World.
Catacombs - Random Dungeon Generator:
Builds configurable dungeons under your feet for players to explore and loot. I wrote my own level builder but I guess it's a homage to those text based classics like Nethack and of course Angband.
- Generates random multi-level dungeons.
- Only builds in solid regions it considers natural. Can build anywhere by adding AIR to config.
- Admins can build dungeons, Players can explore them.
- All commands are integrated with Permissions.
- Integrated with most common economy systems (using Vault) (optional)
- Secret doors
- Information persists using sqlite database (no setup required)
- Only the toughest adventurers will survive without armour, weapons, food and torches.
- Special chests at strategic points to add to the general loot.
- Configurable Dungeon layout and content.
- Dungeons can be size/configured so they work better with parties of players.
- Admins can easily unprotect, reset, suspend, enable or fill dungeons in.
- Multiple world compatible.
- Here are some Spoilers giving you a taste of what you might find.
- And here are a couple of pictures.
Configuration page
Check out images for pictures of the hut types.
Having problems? Check out the FAQ
I made a short tutorial on how to plan and build a dungeon.
- (part 1)
- (part 2)
Here is a detailed demo and tutorial kindly done by Samkio and Torrent (WoopaGaming)
Here is a detailed demo and tutorial kindly done by BukkitDE (in German)
Here is a short demo kindly done by AbsintoJ (I think in Portuguese)
- Credit to the Vault team for supplying a simple way to hook into assorted permissions and economy plugins.
- Credits to Samkio and Torrent (WoopaGaming) for recording a demo and tutorial.
- Credits to Jeussa and MnMaxon from Spigot for updating the plugins via donations from LigerXT5
- Replace Iron Blocks with Anvils. Create a config option to toggle this for MCMMO servers.
- Jeussa added a way to customize loot, similar to Essentials's configs for kits with item names, lore, etc. I would like a way to do the same with the mob spawners. Currently I have to use CreatureSpawners and edit each spawner to customize the catacomb experience. One person contacted me about adding support for MythicMobs. I have no preference on this. But the extra abilities, I am sure some server admins would like.
- Cobwebs only spawn once, during first generation. Though I want to say this is a bug, it would be nice that web had a set percentage, customizable in the config, either in general, or per catacomb style.
- We are limited to a set selection of huts, per say, that appear at the top of the catacomb. These are the buildings that you see at the start before climbing down to the first floor of monsters. There is no way to add schematics to customize these. Though we can edit the area after generation, the protection boundaries are set. Which then requires an additional worldguard region.
- Same as above, the rare/unique rooms are hard set, and would be nice to add some variety. I have no clue how hard this would be to add some more rooms in, along with each room having a percent chance.
- Add in a command variable to the /catacombs delete CatName. Currently it defaults to replacing everything and filling in the rooms with Stone. If creating in, let's say the Nether, it would be nice to add at the end the name of the block to use to replace with, instead of stone. Such as the Nether, it would be Netherrack, or using the EmptyWorldGen (currently for testing in) with Air.
Thanks a lot! :)
@ms0244412 You need to use bukkit names for the materials
@ms0244412 Regarding mobs outside given gold. Yes that's a bug, the plugin used to only give gold for kills in the dungeons, but a bug was introduced when I added the Advanced combat code. I'll fix it.
Yeah turned the gold off, but i liked how players earned money for kills inside the dungeons
Is there any possibility of having dungeons randomly generated as users explore new chunks in their server world. Random dungeons with random sizes and random levels?
We have been messing around with the sewer plugin on bukkit dev and it has a chance option in the config for random spawns
with this type of option enabled it would really add a lot of fun to this plugin since newly discovered dungeons could provide adventurers with an unknown challenge.@ms0244412
Same here. I am disabling the plugin until this is fixed :\
Also, is advanced combat just for dungeons? Or the world?
Edit: Didn't see the GoldOff option in the config. Nevermind :]
Awesome plugin, my server loves it! I got two issues,
First one is, how do i disable gold from mob kills OUTSIDE the dungeon, i like how you get money for kills inside the dungeon, however, in the past week, people have been getting money for kllls outside the dungeon, not sure if this is a bug or something.
Second is how do i make a dungeon with stone bricks, and mossy stone bricks, what do i put for the major and minor in the config, the item id doesnt works, and smooth bricks doesnt with either.
Thanks, one of the best plugins of all time
Could you limit the amount of swings a player could place? because if somebody does mash it will be at the beginning of the cool down where the accuracy is the least and lets say 5 swings they would only have a < %20 accuracy and could not land a hit again till the full cool down has passed?
@EmoPandas Thanks for giving the AdvancedCombat a try and leaving detailed feedback and ideas. I'll gather input from others before making the next round of changes.
I agree we might need a short range healing mechanism (at least for the more narrow dungeons - try wider corridors for multi-player dungeons), and that armour changing the swing time might be a good way to balance damage with protection.
I'm not so sure about using a smooth linear ramp for the accuracy. One problem with this is that there is no down side to mashing the buttons. It wouldn't matter if you hit quickly or slowly you'd get similar damage in ether case.
Any combat messages will be configurable, and obviously with a very specific 1.9sec delay they are needed at the moment to give feedback on the swing times.
There is only a certain number of potions way less than 255 so if i put 50 would it give me some random potion? or is that how bukkit uses the damage on an item or just your mod?
@EmoPandas The number that I supply to bukkit for the item modifier is a byte (0-255) I'm not sure how to get that high bit set so we can get the full range of potions, but I'll look into it.
I have tried the advanced combat and it is a little frustrating with the wild swings. The bow and fishing rod is near imposable to use in the catacombs because of there size...
I love the idea of being able to heal inside the catacombs but it needs something besides the fishing rod to use. Possibly a feather? so you have to hit the tank with it? or a blaze rod like a wand? Or the golden weapons...
The wild swings are very frustrating you swing too early add more time to not swing get frustrated and button mash especially when there are many mobs attacking you. so if i may suggest...
Why should all the players be restricted to the same wild swings. 1.9 seconds is a lot. The type of armor they use should determine your swing time
No armor (Healer): .25 seconds
Leather (Rouge): .5 seconds
Iron(Warrior): 1 second
Gold(Tank): 1.25 seconds
Now if you swing between these timers there should be a reduced change to hit not a guaranteed miss.So lets look at the tank.
They have a 100% chance to hit every 1.25 seconds
Now lets assume that a player can click aprox 10 times a second (mashing the button) every time they attack between the 1.25 needs to decrease a %accuracy timer. so
Accuracy resets to 0 so no double hits
Timer starts that increases accuracy from 0 - 100 in 1.25 seconds .08 ACC a Millisecond? 100(accuracy)/1250 (<=== milliseconds in 1.25 seconds) = .08
SWING! only .5 seconds later by now there accuracy would be %40
MISS! random chance did not fall inside the %40
SWING! again .5 later accuracy is %80
MISS! again (bad luck)
Timer hits 1.25 seconds accuracy is now back to %100 guaranteed hit there next swing
SWING! Hit process starts all over...
This would keep the play smooth and not have the players going WTF its been a year since I attacked and i just keep missing?!!?!?!?! Also remove the messages and just tell the player when they miss a swing. Might also add a message when they enter the catacomb or change armor what there cool down is.
Or for obvious server issues with commands passing through every millisecond have it evrey .25 seconds they get the accuracy bonus and have the first .25 seconds be at 5-10% I personally dont think that players should be guaranteed a miss ever just a low chance to hit...
The damage penalty seems alright... -2 for diamond etc etc
For the healer lets go with the gold sword as a wand if the players tick would be .25 and it adjusts there accuracy healers get a chance to heal every tick so lock there ACC at 33% and %5 until the tick hits so 1 out of every 3 tries will hit and heal .5 hearts. along with the attacks against mobs. Since it is gold it already has a damage reduction and I beleive it would be balanced even if somebody with no armor uses a diamond sword, because they are locked at 33% ACC and they run a higher chance of death without armor. Or have the blaze rod have a higher chance to heal since it does minimal damage to mobs...
With these new mechanics you would have to just slightly reduce the amount of mobs spawned. and slightly reduce there swing time if at all.
But these are just my ideas!
Found an error you cannot add all of the potions to the drop list...
- 373/8193:2:1-5 <==== what i added to the .yml
gave error value out of range. Value "8193" Radix:10
in the default code its
- Potion/1-10:%:drop
Does that mean you can only use 10 potions and what about enchanted weapons?
This is one of the best plugins ever! Thanks for all your hard work on this sucker... but it does show how much effort you put in, with how well this works!
Thank you Blockhead2! ;)
@mrrightclick Ah yes. Glad you got this figured out, as you say, it looks like some of the functions don't work when characters with accents are in the path names. I'm not sure either if the specific issues here are in bukkit, my plugin or some of the libraries I use. At first glance it looks like the problems might be due to libraries used to read/write the sqlite database.
This should be it:
(EDIT: There was a lot more errors, but I removed some after I found out the reason!) Seems that its not finding the Server .jar file for some reason? I'm starting the server up from a BAT file, since I need the extra memory.
EDIT: I think I figured it out. Looks like your plugin, or craftbukkit, or something, can't use the Ä and Ö letters, which spell "Työpöytä" as in Desktop. The plugin tries searching from "Ty├Âp├Âyt├ñ" instead. Moved the server to C:\ root, and it didn't give me an error.
@LordPhrozen Right I got myself an iron sword of sharpness III and can create the 1-2 shot kills. I'll debug.
@mrrightclick Can you send me a message with the whole transcript below the [SEVERE]?
I don't actually even know why it tries to use Permissions, since I'm using PermissionEX. I've updated that one, and if those two aren't one and the same thing, then I guess I need to update my Permissions too.
EDIT: Updated the permissions plugin to 3.1.6... Didn't help either :S Still the same error.
EDIT: Created a whole new server to test this plugin. Got only Pail and Catacombs plugins running on a CB 1.0.1 - R1 build server, and still the same error.
01:49 ap. [INFO] [Catacombs] Looking for Permissions plugin 01:49 ap. [INFO] [Catacombs] Permission system not detected, defaulting to OP 01:49 ap. [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Catacombs v1.1 (Is it up to date?): null