Catacombs Fan Update
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UploadedApr 28, 2016
Size169.25 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
Catacombs Fan Update 2.
Refer to the forum post for details.
I have recently been notified that I have become a maintainer of Catacombs. Though I have not had much, if any, response from the original author, it is unlikely I will be able to take full control of the resource/plugin.
I personally have not made any coding changes to the plugin, but plan to start digging in once I have the source code of the recent update.
The updates have been made, by donation, by hiring a couple coders to update the plugin and fix issues.
All changes are listed in the attached .zip file with the plugin and a reference config to use.
The catacombs.jar will work on it's own with the included config file, the plugin will generate a default and work on it's own.
Read the attached readme file on details on how to customize the loot found in chests.
All loot can now have custom lore, titles, and enchants now. Customized just like kit items in Essentials.
Creating or removing catacombs no longer crash or kick players due to low TPS. Customizable block edits per second, default at 1000, can be set in the config. I personally have it set to 600.
Further details are listed in readme, including coders who have made changes.
- AdvancedCombat disabled for the moment.
- Suspending catacombs will have random, usually corners, areas as dark. This is not game breaking as the light levels are set to 0 when the catacomb is re-enabled.
- Upon first creation of a catacomb has loot issues. Usually only diamonds and golden apples. Run a reset after building to fix.