Config Options
When the plugin starts up a config.yml is generated. That file can be found under Plugins/CaptureThePortal and can be opened with any text editor.
That config contains quite a few options and all of those will be explained below.
Config Options
- Option name: dieorbounce
- Default value: false
- Effect: If it's set to true players will die instantly when trying to enter a portal they are not allowed to use (i.e. haven't captured). If it's set to false, they will just "bounce".
- Option name: enablebouncing
- Default value: true
- Effect: If it's set to true, players will be bounced away from the portal. If it's false, the event for that portal will be cancelled and the portalling will be prevented without the player being bounced away. Setting this to false with WormholeXTreme portals will not work.
- Option name: delay
- Default value: 6
- Effect: How much time (in seconds) it takes to capture a portal (thus how long a player has to stand on the stone plate)
- Option name: cooldown
- Default value: 120
- Effect: How much time (in seconds) it takes for a captured portal to be available for capture again
- Option name: rewardaftercooldown
- Default value: 0
- Effect: How much money the team who captured the portal will receive after the cooldown is over
- Option name: cooldown_message_timeleft
- Default value: 20
- Effect: Will display the "cooldown_message" when there are only a X amount of seconds left of cooldown (default: 20 seconds)
- Option name: cooldown_message_timeleft_increments
- Default value: 20
- Effect: Will display the "cooldown_message" every X seconds (default is 0 which means it only displays the "cooldown_message" once during cooldown)
- Option name: fullgroupnames
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not to use full group names for SimpleClans (false for short, true for full names)
- Option name: enablekickfromworld
- Default value: true
- Effect: Whether or not the team that is currently in the Nether/End gets kicked out when another team captures and portals to it
- Option name: usenations
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether to use Nation names in stead of Town names when using Towny
- Option name: persistcapture
- Default value: true
- Effect: Whether or not to keep track of all the captures and store it in a file. If set to 'true', all portals will still be captured on restart. If set to 'false', the captures will be lost on server restart/reload.
- Option name: allow_neutral_to_portal
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not to allow Neutral players (players with the .neutral permission node when using Permissions or players not part of a town/clan/etc) to use a Portal
- Option name: enablenethersupport
- Default value: true
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Nether Portals, the default is Yes
- Option name: enableEndersupport
- Default value: true
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Ender Portals, the default is Yes
- Option name: enablewormholesupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Wormholes from Wormhole-X-Treme
- Option name: enablestargatesupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Stargates from the Stargates plugin
- Option name: enablecreativegatessupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Creative Gates from the CreativeGates plugin
- Option name: enableMVPortals
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should support Multiverse Portals from the Multiverse-Portals plugin
- Option name: enablepermissionssupport
- Default value: true
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use Permissions as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time). This needs Vault!
- Option name: enablefactionsupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use Factions as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time)
- Option name: enabletownysupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use Towny as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time)
- Option name: enablesimpleclanssupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use Simple Clans as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time). Note, only enable if you have a version prior to SimpleClans2 installed.
- Option name: enablesimpleclans2support
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use Simple Clans as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time). Note, enabling simpleclans2 assumes you have the latest SimpleClans2 installed.
- Option name: enablegodssupport
- Default value: false
- Effect: Whether or not CTP should use the Gods plugin as the Group Plugin (only one can be enabled at a time)