BukkitVote - a basic vote Plugin.
Version: 0.71
Want BukkitVote in your own language? Look at Localization and send me your own localized version of BukkitVote!
WARNING: If you are upgrading from a version which had not all commands you wont see these commands until you update your config.yml by adding the commands to it. If you are upgrading from below 0.6 look in the config example for how to localize it. Of course you can let BukkitVote create a new default config for you by deleting the BukkitVote folder in Plugins.
- enables the player to vote for certain events
- each event can have a different majority, minimum players value or a time in which you have to vote
- permissions 3 support and superperms support.
- the accept command lets you divide the people on the server into those people who can start a vote and those who can participate in a vote
- votes can end after a specific time in seconds
- localizable with languages. (Currently english and german)
The results of a vote will happen if the majority of the players vote for it in the vote specific time frame.
Each voting is held for the specific world the players are voting in AND only for players which are allowed to vote for this event.
Do not edit the mutelist.yml unless the server is shutdown. The best is you ignore it and work everything out with the given commands!
There is currently no unban, if you want to unban go to your plugins folder and edit the banlist.yml (changes will recognized even when the server is running)
Further Pages
For Players: Commands
For Admins: Config, Permissions
Other: Changelog
Good job,i like this plugin,is cool and awesome.
any chance on opening the source to the world? I would update it for 1.2 servers as a thanks, I'm loving this plugin :-)
please update to 1.2.3 ty!
this didn't occur to me before, but there is no message once the voting expired... this would be tremendously helpful, as players get no response when they do /accept <command> on an expired vote
Is it also possible to have votes always running and execute the event after a percentage of players has voted for / requested it?
I second this opinion, there should be a bukkitvote.exempt permission that would be given to admins, so nobody will be able to vote on them
Instead of having a permission to block votebanning, you can set the required votes to be higher than your server can hold. Example: vote needs 35 votes on a 30 player server.
But i want, to give players permission for /votekick and other. Can you add permission like "- BukkitVote.NoBan" and people who have this permission cant be in vote for ban. Sorry for my bad english
Nope and it wont work ever. I've tried several times implementing it. The only thing for commands you could customize would be asking questions. But commands that do something like give everybody 2 Diamonds are not possible
Dont give them the permissions to do this!
Normal users can kick/ban/mute... admins. How can i fix it?
Sweet, but can i add my own custom commands?
It doesnt need to be its still running good
Is this plugin alive?
this works for pEX and version 1.0.1 ¿?
does it still work with 1.1 ?
BukkitVote gave me errors on CB 1597 (Recommend Build) so i decompiled it and updated it to CB 1597. Download Link for my version: Here. There were some errors apparently in the PvPCommand.
Try normal vote day
Hi there,
first of all, thank you for this awesome plugin, i am using it for my server and it is running with newest Bukkit versions with no problems at all!! Excellent..! But i have a few requests, would it be possible to add a vote for people who get stuck, lets call it "respawn player" so you can vote for playerX to die and spawn again at the worldspawn? I know there are many plugins out there who offer /home but i dont want to give the players this easy option on my survival server and therefore disabled the home funktion. Also is it possible to add that per day only a certain amounts of certain votes can be executed. Lets say vote X only works every Y minutes for everyone?
Keep the good work up! Thanks, snitride
I have a dumb question: we voted for eternal day. Now we want the server to have "normal" daytime and nighttime cycles again.
I ran /fvote day and /fvote night and those worked, so I thought eternal day would be over. However, my players report that it is still all day, all the time. What do I need to do to restore "normal" day and night cycles?