BukkitVote - a basic vote Plugin.
Version: 0.71
Want BukkitVote in your own language? Look at Localization and send me your own localized version of BukkitVote!
WARNING: If you are upgrading from a version which had not all commands you wont see these commands until you update your config.yml by adding the commands to it. If you are upgrading from below 0.6 look in the config example for how to localize it. Of course you can let BukkitVote create a new default config for you by deleting the BukkitVote folder in Plugins.
- enables the player to vote for certain events
- each event can have a different majority, minimum players value or a time in which you have to vote
- permissions 3 support and superperms support.
- the accept command lets you divide the people on the server into those people who can start a vote and those who can participate in a vote
- votes can end after a specific time in seconds
- localizable with languages. (Currently english and german)
The results of a vote will happen if the majority of the players vote for it in the vote specific time frame.
Each voting is held for the specific world the players are voting in AND only for players which are allowed to vote for this event.
Do not edit the mutelist.yml unless the server is shutdown. The best is you ignore it and work everything out with the given commands!
There is currently no unban, if you want to unban go to your plugins folder and edit the banlist.yml (changes will recognized even when the server is running)
Further Pages
For Players: Commands
For Admins: Config, Permissions
Other: Changelog
Could you please add /vote sun for /weather sun? I wonder why there is thunder and storm but not sun.
Config: User-votes: say-lala: percentage-to-success: 66 vote-time: 0 minimum-players: 0 executable-command: say Haha, this is a nice vote!
/vote say-lala /accept say-lala
what about this?
+ Argh, be a good dev add russian lang files! Argh! =)
Look in the pages there is an example on how to make the config file
Yeah nice one never thought of it. Just to be clear how exactly should this be working?
Yeah day night storm etc work only for the world of the vote starter. Normally poeple in other worlds shouldnt see the messages. I'll look into it
@TCarlsen There's the text http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/chat-bukkitvote-0-71-permissions-superperm-1240.7643/page-4#post-716276
@eterra It seems don't to work with multiworlds correctly. I didn't test it properly yet, but as I think vote will only change the world in that player called a vote. Is it right so? If not, then players in other worlds shouldn't see the voting for weather/daytime.
Have it so that you can create your own votes with their own commands
do you have the code on github I would love translating this to danish!?
/vote storm wil vote for storm if not there and vote for removing storm if it is there ;)
so just vote storm again ;)
Hi, there is a Vote for storm and thunder but where is the one for sunshine
With 0.6 BukkitVote can be translated. I can provide with a german translation later, but need other translations. Oh btw you should let bukkit vote rewrite the config or add the line "locale: en_us"
the way MyHome is doing it is simple and nice https://github.com/spathizilla/MyHome/tree/master/src/main/resources/me/taylorkelly/myhome/locale
I like the idea but of my own experience its work not worth enjoying. So dont expect it in the near future
How about making it posible to translate the plugin?