File Access Management

You can assign files that can/can't be read or wrote.


 - [File path]: '[Mode]'
File pathThe file path from bukkit root directory that exists craftbukkit-[version].jar. You can assign both file and directory.
Windows: You must use "\" in path separator.
The other: You must use "/" in path separator.
ModeW: Can't write file or directory.
R: Can't read and write file or directory
Blank: Can read and write file or directory.

This is a sample.

 - ops.txt: 'W'
 - white-list.txt: 'W'
 - banned-ips.txt: 'W'
 - banned-players.txt: 'W'
 - plugins\PermissionsEx: 'R'

You can read "ops.txt", "white-list.txt", "banned-ips.txt" and "banned-players.txt", but you can't write.
You can't read and write "plugins\PermissionsEx" directory and any files contained in this folder.
You can read and write the other directories and files.

The configuration overrides those defined in the previous lines.

 - ops.txt: 'W'
 - white-list.txt: 'W'
 - banned-ips.txt: 'W'
 - banned-players.txt: 'W'
 - plugins\PermissionsEx: 'R'
 - plugins: ''

In this case,
You can read "ops.txt", "white-list.txt", "banned-ips.txt" and "banned-players.txt", but you can't write.
You can read and write the other directories and files.


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