
KeyDefault ValueDescription
LanguagedetectUsing language.(en, ja, etc...) If you set value to "detect", plugin detect your PC's language.
Port25570Using port to connect client.
MaxLog100Max size of saved log that send to cilent.
MaxChat100Max size of saved chat that send to cilent.
EditableExtension-yml -txtEditable extension of file from remote.
EnableDynmaptrueWhether to enable dynmap feature or not. ("true" to enable, "false" to disable)
DynmapAddress""Web address of dynmap. Use when an error has occurred in getting dynmap port, or dynmap address is not contain port (like ""). This must be start with "http://"
ConsoleOnlytruetrue: You can use "/rcu add" and "/rcu remove" commands from console only.
false: You can use these commands from any ops.
FileAccessYou can assign files that can/can't be read or wrote. See here
NotificationMax100Max size of saved notifications that send to cilent.
NotificationIncludeWarnLogLevelfalsetrue: When "WARN" level log was appeared, It is sent to client as notification.
false: Do nothing when "WARN" level log was appeared.
IconThe server icon showed in widget.
SummonCommandAliasNot implemented currently.