If your answer isn't listed here, feel free to ask me.

Why can't I click on signs?

Your spawn protection could block that. Please make sure the signs are out range.

How can I make a plot?

Stand at your plot spawn and typ /bg setspawn <arena>. Do this for every plot in your arena.

Why does my scoreboard flicker?

This issue has been fixed in version 3.0.0 and above
Scoreboard flickering is been an issue in spigot/bukkit for quite some time. There is a scoreboard-update-delay (in ticks) setting in the config. If you have the time in your scoreboard, it's recommended to have this setting at 20 or less (keep in mind that when it's less it will lag more). If you don't have the time in your scoreboard, you can set the updating to a higher delay. This will mean that the scoreboard flickers less (or not), but updates on the scoreboard won't automatically be displayed. You can also try adding more GB to your server, but it's not guaranteed that this will decrease the lag. A server with 64 GB for example can still have a flicker. If the flickering is more than once every 5 seconds, it could also be another plugin. Go to the plugins page and see if he/she says something about it. Some small tips, which maybe can help you:

  • If you have the time in your scoreboard keep the delay on twenty or less
  • If you haven't got the time in your scoreboard recommend is 60 ticks (but you can change it to a way, where you don't see the flicker)

How do I change my normal arena into a team one?

Team modes were introduced in version 1.10.0 so be sure to play on that version or higher. This mode allows you to team up with some friends (or just random players) and build something together. The game works exactly as normal, you only have the new team selection in the lobby and are on the same plot. You can change your arena to a team one by typing /bg setgamemode <arena> team. This will change the arena's gamemode to team instead of solo. After that you do /bg setmaxplayers <arena> <amount>, to change the maxium amount of players. If you don't do this the maximum players is one for each plot which doesn't make it a team one (but you can still select your plot though). The amount has to be divisible by the amount of plots you have. For example if you have 6 plots, you can set it to 12, 18, 24, 30 etc.

My minecraft crashed when opening a heads page

This is because Mojang checks to see if the skin is valid, but if it isn't it doesn't just throw an error, it'll crash your Minecraft which is very inconvenient. If you encounter this, please make a ticket and include this additional information, the category of the heads (if you haven't choose one, please write "the category list" or something) and the page of this. Also include the minecraft log, so I don't have to check all the heads.

Why isn't my floor resetting after the game has finished?

If this is happening, put your floor inside the boundary of the same plot. Only the boundary will reset itself (if you've enabled this in the config.yml).

Bungeecord setup

Please follow these steps closely, otherwise it might not work. The bungeecord version runs with the plugin Socket4MC. This can be found here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/api-socket4mc.15938/. Put Socket4MC on every server you want this plugin to run on and the main bungeecord server as well. Socket4MC should set everything up for you, but if you're not happy with the server names or the port is already used. Change it or ask support on their page. Now you have to download the normal buildinggame plugin, the bungeecord one and the bukkit/spigot bungeecord addon. These can be found by the files over here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/buildinggame/files/. Put the normal buildinggame plugin on the server the arenas and lobbies are going to be. Put the bungeecord one, on your main bungeecord server. Put the bukkit/spigot bungeecord addon on every server where you want the main spawn or join signs to be. Start all your servers up and let them generate files, the bungeecord one shouldn't generate files. In every bukkit/spigot addon go into your config.yml and change the server name of your main plugin to the correct one. The name can be found in your server.properties under server-name. Now go into your main plugin's config.yml and set bungeecord > enable: true. Once you've set that, reload or restart these servers. Now you're good to go. You can set the main spawn and join signs in all other servers and connect from them. If you have any questions or trouble setting up this plugin (not Socket4MC, ask that author instead) ask me and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

The plugin doesn't respond

Make sure that 'BuildingGame has been enabled in x milliseconds', has been logged to the console. If this hasn't happened, try disabling load > load-after-plugins in the config.yml

The buildmenu is completely empty

Make sure you and your players have the correct permissions (they're also listed on the main page):


How do I fix compatibility bugs with:

Player VisiblityToggle?

This is when you or your players can't place and break blocks. Make sure your players don't have the permissions pv.denybreak and pv.denyplace. If it's still not working, you can always ask me.


This is when you or your players aren't in the correct gamemode. Go into your worlds.yml. Look for the world your lobby/arena is in. Change gamemode to the correct gamemode (so for a lobby it is ADVENTURE and your arena CREATIVE).


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