Editing Config.yml

Editing Config.yml

Information about configuring Config,yml. Advice on editing YAML files is available on Google, and also in the various readme files in the download package.

MySQL Information

mysql_user: root
You can change the address of the mysql server, the port, the name of the database and of course the username and password

Shop List

  shop_is_open: true/false
  shop_is_closed: true/false
  shop_is_open: true/false
  shop_is_closed: true/false
These control what shops appear in the shop list depending on whether the shop in question is open/closed and whether the owner is online/offline. If you find the list grows too big, you can select more of these to be "false" so that fewer shops appear in the shop list. By default, only online and open shops are shown. You can also configure the message colour of different shops. See below for this information.
The other feature is the ability to control the maximum number of shops shown by the shop list before the list is abbreviated. The normal list displays each shop on a new line with the description that the owner chose when registering their shop. The abbreviated list just shows a list of shops, separated by a comma. This is designed to prevent the list growing too big and bordering on spam, or taking up the entire chat history. however; you may prefer the abbreviated list and choose to set the threshold to zero such that the normal list is never shown.

Message Colours

colourNonPlayerError: yellow
colourUserError: yellow
colourPluginError: red
colourSuccessfulExecutionFeedback: green
colourAdvice: aqua

colourListTitleShop: dark_blue
colourListTitleDescription: dark_gray

  shop_is_open: blue
  shop_is_closed: dark_blue
  shop_is_open: red
  shop_is_closed: dark_red

colourListEntryDescription: gray
colourListBar: white

colourCommandCommand: blue
colourCommandBar: white
Each message given to the player is given a category, such as advice, user error or successful execution. In fitting in with your server's colour scheme or your own preferences, you can change most of the colours used in messages by Boutique. There are the 16 minecraft text colours to choose from and over 15 different categories of message. Of particular note is the ability to change the colour of shops that appear in the shop list depending on whether they are open/closed and the owner online/offline. This can be useful in showing your players which shops they can teleport to. The only messages exempt from configurable colours are messages given out to the console before the configuration has loaded, and the [Boutique] tag in front of the teleport request text, which was implemented in a hurry to aid in differentiation from my other plugin, SimpleTPR, which uses an almost identical text output for tp requests.


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