Importable example book

//BookSuite v3.0.0 example book
<title>Example Book</title>
<author>Anyone you like!</author>
Pages start with the <page> tag. Anything on a line containing it will be ignored, and the page will be wiped.
//This is a comment, they are ignored.
Authors will only be applied to books written from URL if the player has permission or usePermissions is false and the player is an op.
//Otherwise, the player's name will be substituted.
This is to prevent malicious users from framing innocents for writing hatemail, etc.
Pages are not added to the book until a </page> is hit. The whole line is ignored, no matter the contents. May change in the future.
[color=darkred]This text[/color] will appear in the <blue>book</color>.
Formatting codes §lcan§r be used, including basic <italics>html-style</italics> markup.
</page>This line saves the page to the book. Any text other than the page end is ignored.
The full list of formatting codes is available from the main page.<hr>Enjoy!<n><n>§kCake is delicious


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