Blothera Thief

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What it is

This is a thieving plugin. It allows you to Pickpocket players, Lock pick Chests, and Vanish

Also check out Blothera Assassin, Blothera Archer, Blothera Blocks, Blothera Warp, Blothera Damage, Blothera Chat and Blothera Tools

Also check out the Blothera Kingdom Forums and sign up if you want to see all of the Blothera plugins in action

Note: You cannot steal items that have damage on them or items that have an enchantment on them due to a dupe bug.




  • BlotheraThief.*: gives all Blothera Thief permissions
  • BlotheraThief.Vanish: Allows a player to vanish
  • BlotheraThief.LockPick: Allows a player to lock pick
  • BlotheraThief.PickPocket: Allows a player to Pickpocket
  • BlotheraThief.PreventPickPocket: Allows a player to stop another player from Pickpocketing them
  • BlotheraThief.PickPocketAlert: Allows the player to receive an alert when a player fails at Pickpocketing them

How it works

  1. In order to Vanish a player must crouch and then right click with the Vanish item (config)
  2. In order to Lock Pick a player must right click a chest, door, or furnace in survival or adventure mode with the Lock Picking item (config), the chest will open if they succeed.
  3. In order to Pickpocket a player must crouch and right click a player while in survival or adventure mode with the Pickpocketing item (config), they will then receive a random item from the player's inventory if they succeed.


  • VanishItem: The item that is use to vanish
  • VanishTime: The amount of time a player is vanished for (Seconds)
  • CoolDownTime: The amount of time it takes for the vanish to recharge (Seconds)
  • VanishText: The text shown to the player when they vanish
  • VanishAlreadyText: The text shown to a player when they try to vanish when they already are
  • VanishCoolDownText: The text shown when a player trys to vanish when they're vanish isn't recharged
  • VanishStopText: The text shown when a player is out of vanish
  • VanishCoolDownDoneText: The text shown when a player's vanish is recharged
  • VanishSmokeSize: the sizeof the smoke that forms around the player when they vanish
  • LockPickDoorChance: The success rate when someone trys to lock pick a wooden door(1 in _ chance)
  • LockPickIronDoorChance: The success rate when someone trys to lock pick a iron door(1 in _ chance)
  • LockPickChestChance: The success rate when someone trys to lock pick a chest(1 in _ chance)
  • LockPickFurnaceChance: The success rate when someone trys to lock pick a furnace(1 in _ chance)
  • LockPickTrapDoorChance: The success rate when someone trys to lock pick a trap door(1 in _ chance)
  • LockPickSuccesText: The text shown to a player when they succeed at lock picking ([thing] will be replaced with the block's name that the person lock-picked)
  • LockPickFailText: The text shown to a player when they fail at lock picking ([damage] is replaced by how much damage they take)
  • LockPickFailUseDamage: If true damage will be given
  • LockPickFailBreakItem: If true one of the lockpick items will break that they are holding.
  • LockPickFailDamage: The amount of damage a player takes when the fail at lock picking (1 damage = half a heart)
  • StealItem: The item a player must use to pickpocket someone
  • StealChance: The chance a player has at succeeding when they try to pickpocket someone (1 in _ chance)
  • StealAmount: The amount of the item the player steals if the player they are stealing from has more than 1 in a stack
  • StealSuccesText: The text shown to player when they succeed at pickpocketing someone ([items] is replaced by how many of what items they stole)
  • StealEmptyText: The text shown to a player if the player who they are trying to steal from's inventory is empty
  • StealFailText: The text shown to a player when they fail at pickpocketing someone ([damage] is replaced by how much they got hurt when they fail)
  • StealFailDamage: The amount of damage the player recieves when they fail at pickpocketing someone
  • LockPickItem: The item a player must use to lock pick a chest
  • StealAlertText: The text show to a player when a player fails at pickpocketing them
  • StealInventoryFull: The text shown to a player when their inventory is full and they try to pickpocket someone

To Do

  • Anyone have any suggestions?

Known Bugs

  • If anyone finds any please create a ticket for it


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 30, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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