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New Features:
Now supports 1.6.2
Waitrooms/lobbies can now be entered whenever.
Join signs now display number of players in queue and players needed (for signs that join specific arenas)
poolMoney (might change name)
Countless other internal changes
New Features:
Config's can now be changed through the command line(mostly)
Lobbies (aka: waitrooms that are common for all arenas in a game type)
ArenaClasses can now have Mobs
ArenaClasses can now have commands that run when the class is given
Forcestart time can now be started when the first person join, or when enough people join
Option: pickupItemOff , disables picking up items in the arena
Items can now have color
Items can now have Lore (thank you netherfoam)
Ready blocks now work better
JoinPhase join signs now work
Fix for Scoreboards
New Features:
Module system introduced, Modules are mini plugins that can change the logic of BattleArena
Example: Adding OldStyle bow firing, changing damage, etc
API Features: new Player Events
Fix for tournaments /duels
Multiverse-Core added as a softdepend to wait till worlds are loaded completely
Fix for multiple arena reloads, harmless but spammy
New Features
Scoreboard support!!
New system for handling scores based around Scoreboards
New VictoryConditions, PlayerKills, AllKills to go along with MobKills
Fix for wrong priority of EntityDamageByEntityEvent
Fix for TagAPI colors
Fix for dueling permissions
Possible fix for conflicts with PVP toggle plugins
New Features:
new onJoin option "alwaysJoin"
new defaults option "alwaysOpen"
Fix for Join Signs not respecting optional 3rd line arena
Fix for some messages
Fix for disabling the JoinPhase types
Fix for commands that had both perm and admin perms
Fix for ready blocks
New Features:
new VictoryCondition "MobKills"
Fix for reload
Fix NPE for herochat channels when sending null messages
New Features:
Hook into essentials
(Essentials) Flight and God mode are now disabled when entering an arena
Fix for certain size settings not working correctly
Fix for bukkit flightOff
New Features:
new options 'flightOff', 'flightOn', 'flightSpeed=<float>'
By default the option set storeAll, now sets flightOff
new option 'randomSpawn' will replace randomRespawn
First time spawn points can now be randomized with the option randomSpawn
Fixed some messages that weren't colored
Fix for detecting same items on class switching
Fix for some servers with plugin conflicts that allowed players to keep inventory when disconnected
New Features:
Items can now have Thorns
Fix for custom competitions not being loaded in the correct folder
Fix for Tournaments
New Features:
API: new class BoundingBox
Fix for default join type being a JoinPhase when it should be a Queue
Fix for some servers getting NoClassDef errors when they didnt have BattleTracker
New Features:
new config option joinType: allows you to change between Queue and JoinPhase
Hopefully files and configs are more intuitive.
All competition configs can now be found in BattleArena/competitions/
Fix for joining and leaving when a waitroom is used
Multiple other fixes
Cleanup of files that werent used
New Features:
new Message API for custom competitions
LARGE IMPORTANT bug fix for /arena leave during events
New Features:
new option "potionDamageOn", place in a stage to force damage from potions to be on
new API functions for determining whether a player is involved in a competition or should be allowed to join other events
new API feature: extended CustomCommandExecutor
CustomCommandExecutor's can now have both command and sub commands.
CustomCommandExecutor's now have the annotation "helpOrder" to specify how they should be listed in order when a player needs "help"
Fix for custom types that I accidentally broke in
Fix for people being allowed to duel in different arena types
Fix for accidentally breaking compatibility with 1.2.5 and other builds because of colored leather
New Features:
new option "keepInventory", put inside of onDeath.options:. Allows players to keep their inventory when they die
new API feature: PointTracker, Allows easy point tracking for players and teams.
WorldGuard option wgNoEnter, now prevents people from teleporting into the region
New Features:
when the option matchTime: is set to -1, matches will last forever until a victory/loss
victoryCondition: nLives , now works.. needs an additional parameter nLives: <number of lives>
new config variable to toggle BattleTracker messages during matches
/<type> status : now reports leaderboard when appropriate
All matches/events are now interchangeable based on config options
Auto update now works for Windows as well as *NIX systems.
new API registration function that allows match/event to be handled in config
new API feature. BukkitEvent priority can now be specified in @MatchEventHandlers
new API feature, Extension plugins can now be auto updated based on the config option "autoUpdate:", specified in the extensions "config.yml"
Fixed saving for multiple arena types in extension plugins(like spleef/espleef)
Fixes /f command not being respected for factions
New Features:
Basic status signs now available for all types
Fix for tournament correctly ending with a winner but always announcing a draw
Fix for tournament stopping when players draw during a match
API fix for multiple methods with the same bukkit event
New Features:
Added support for PylamosRestorationSystem
API addition: new Prize events for winners/losers/drawers
Item spawns now respect firstSpawnTime and respawnTime
Delete spawn now saves correctly
improper team sizes will now no longer cancel an event from happening
Fix for joining specific arenas
New Features:
Factions support! now disables power loss
API now supports Arena.create()
Heroes: better party handling
Better match handling for events
Better single team competition handling
More message configurability
New Features:
new command. /aa deleteSpawn <index>
start of status signs
Players can join another match/event after being killed and teleported out
Fix for NPE in events
Fix for Heroes parties
Fix for wool heads
New Features:
Ready block now configurable
Arenas that no longer have correct worlds, or other things to prevent them from loading, will now not be deleted
dropItemOff now relabled itemDropOff, (both will work though)
Fix for messages
Fix for multiple people joining matches at the same time
New Features:
new option "gamemode=<GameMode>" : change the gamemode of a player
new options "doCommands:" which takes a list of commands to be done as a player or the console
" - console deop player" <- use the console to deop "player". " - player fly stop" <- run the command fly stop as the player
Heroes: Possible fix for heroes parties not being auto created
Fix for dueling error when enableForceStart true
New Features:
Arena signs can now use display name.
BattleArena now only requires Bukkit, except for custom commands.
event leaving
message NPE fix
Fix for automatic config updates not working for windows systems.
New Features:
can add unsafe enchantments
event signs can now be created
NPE fix for wool heads causing serious issues
New Features:
Language Support: most match/event join and leave messages are now configurable inside of messages.yml
<event> status: now reports information about joining players.
New Features:
OptionSets: allows groups of options to be configured
Configs are now more customizable
enchantments can be added to any item
new option: clearExperience, clears the players experience
Fix for new options for force Starting not being respected
Fix for matches not running correctly when players died during prestart
wool heads are now removed correctly
Fix for event joining with set teamsizes above 1
New Features:
new config.yml options. enableForceStart. Allows matches to be started without a full group of players
forceStartTime. Sets the time before a match force starts if enableForceStart is true
New Features:
new config option: overrideBattleTracker [default true], place underneath enabled:.
Fix for arena alter changes getting reverted
Fix issue with players leaving a match, then rejoining.
New Features:
Tournaments can now be held with matches that have powers of 2 number of teams
/tourney status: now displays how far each round has progressed
Health, Hunger, and Magic (for heroes) now is stored
API option for MatchEventHandlers. playerNeeded=false.
Events can now be left and rejoined before they start
players that join a queue when the sameWorld flag is set, will now leave the queue if they teleport out of world.
Fix for rated: false
New Features:
Fix for DisguiseCraft
Faster match finding
Fix for reloading
Fix for matches not handling any bukkit events
New Features:
Players can now join matches that have a waitroom and that can still accept more players
New Features:
new config option. useArenasOnlyInOrder, so that all arenas can be explicitly used
Example: if you have a 1v1, and a 1v1v1v1. After the 1v1 is used, the next arena in use will be the 1v1v1v1, so 4 people would have to join
New Features:
Better handling of teamSizes and nTeams
Fix for Heroes chosen class
Fix for allowUserCreation
players that have left a match will no longer be teleported and given match messages
Fix a NPE error when giving people armor
New Features:
new options: noTeleport, noWorldChange: stop people from teleporting, or from changing worlds
Fix for an error that was causing the plugin to not load correctly
Fix for teams being entered multiple times in certain circumstances
Fix for commands not being registered in add-on plugins
Fix for joining with wither heads
Fix for reloading
New Features:
TagAPI is now supported for team colored names
Custom matches/events can now be created
Several message fixes
Dueling fix
Event fix
New Features:
New Features:
Verified to work in 1.4.2
Multiple of the same event can be run at the same time. (only one can be open at a time)
New config option to let players be able to open/start events
If true, when a player joins an event that could be open. The event is silently opened and the player joins.
New option levelRange=<range> which can be used in preReqs: (also works with heroes)
Example options: [levelRange=10-15] <- limit joining to players within the levels 10-15
Real persistable fix
Versioning fix
New Features:
Verified to work in 1.4.2
Basic support with Heroes. see Using Heroes classes
when specifying spawns or teams you can now use either the number or the team name.
'/arena alter <arena> 1' is now the same as 'arena alter <arena> red'
new option ignoreMaxStackSize . Allows giving up to stacks of 64 for all items.
new options for teleportation teleportTo: . Allows teleporting to different locations based on winner/loser/onDeath
teleports can now be done on each match stage
Team Names and Team Heads can now be configured in teamHeads.yml
new option alwaysTeamNames . Forces joining players to have the name specified in teamHeads.yml
Fix for selecting an arena when joining
Fix for arenas with Persistable Maps
New Features:
players can now choose the team they wish to join for events ( rebalancing teams will come soon )
Fix for not being able to reselect a class from class signs
Fix for respawning with enchants
Fix for choosing classes
/arena reload fix, need someone else to verify though
New Features:
new option respawnWithClass that will allow players to respawn with their chosen class, put this option in onSpawn.
new option dropItemOff . Put this in sections where you don't want players throwing/dropping items, like in onStart.
Fix for class signs causing large amounts of lag when clicked(sometimes crashing)
Fix for woolTeams not being handled correctly with waitrooms
New Features
Basic arena commands can now be done through Signs. Joining/leaving.
new option alwaysWoolTeams that will make everyone have a wool head, not just with teams greater than 1 player.
showSpawns command now shows color of the team spawn, as well as spawns all mobs/items for the arena
/aa showspawns , */aa hidespawns
Fix for players leaving before a match started and still being teleported inside
Fix for an inventory bug I introduced recently ( would cause certain items not to be loaded from config correctly)
New Features:
item spawns can now have enchanted values.
Example: /aa addSpawn diamond_sword sharp:3 fire:2 <index number>
Fixes for spawning arrows, spiders, and other items that could potentially match an item and an entity
Fixes for certain commands not saving changes to arenas immediately.
Fix for team heads that I introduced in v3.6.9.4
Other bug fixes
New Features:
item spawns can now have enchanted values.
Example: /aa addSpawn diamond_sword sharp:3 fire:2 <index number>
Fixes for spawning arrows, spiders, and other items that could potentially match an item and an entity
Fixes for certain commands not saving changes to arenas immediately.
Other bug fixes
Changes in
New Features:
You can now choose an arena to join.
New config options to limit joining to the same world, or within a certain distance
Inventories are now saved asynchronously and can be restored see
Auto update option: defaults to true. You can change this in the config (Only works for linux/mac)
Added permissions for using classes (arena.class.use.<class name>)
Added permissions for dueling (arena.<match type>.duel)
Started allowing permissions to be added via options
Enabling and disabling arena types now persist through reloads/restarts
Added Priorities for queuing
arena.priority.<priority> where priority can be lowest,low,normal,high,highest . Default is lowest
new bukkit events for deleting and creating arenas
configurable y teleport offset
disabled commands while inside the arena is now configurable
Fixes for incorrectly counting wins/kills
Fix for HighestKills matches where players left and the match went on
possible fix for removing team heads
leaving an arena during ffas/bg/ other fights using highestkills now ends the match correctly
Fix for team heads not working with class signs
Fix for arena selection using /aa sel
Fix for join command not allowing team size selection
Fixed a problem for Windows servers where add ons, like ArenaSpleef and ArenaPaintball, weren't properly making configs.
New Features
You can now bet on duels using the option '''money <amount>'''. You can also use the name of your server currency if you are using vault.
Example using skirmish match
'''/skirmish duel alkarin_v money 50'''
Fixes for creative mode switching bug that I introduced in 3.6.6
Fix for matches/events using HighestKills where kills/deaths wasnt tracking properly.
New Features
MobArena support: checks to see if a player is in MobArena and won't allow them to join a match if they are.
Multiverse-Core support: Gamemode switching now works properly with Multiverse-Core
Multiverse-Inventories support: Gamemode and cross world teleporting now works properly with Multiverse-Inventories
New onServerStartup options: startNext and startContinuous will now start the event scheduler on startup
added new command for event scheduling /bas startNext: to start the next event in the list
If a player does /<match> join and there is no 1v1 made it will try and put them in a larger arena, like 3v3.
Took extra steps to remove WorldGuard dependency (it shouldnt be needed)
New Features
New API features for plugins using Arenas
Players joining the arena through creative were able to take items out. Resolved in this version.
New Features
Added Dueling between players
Added worldguard support for clearing items from a region, and not letting players leave the arena region
Fix for messages.yml being loaded before the default directory was created, causing messages errors to occur on first startup.
Added a space into the classes.yml file that was causing a yml parsing error.
Fixes for mob/item spawning
Fix for gamemodes and item storing for events with Waitrooms
New Features:
Class signs are now functional. You can place them in a waitroom or arena and players can select a class. If they can swap between all classes until their inventory changes, at which point they are locked into that class. This allows people to choose classes but not be able to transfer items to other people or themselves.
Minor message Fixes
Fixes for matches and tournaments when I introduced a bug in 3.6.4.
New Features:
Option for force joining all players on the server for events
Allows events to be scheduled and run on a continuous loop
new cleaner handling of options for opening events (see wiki)
All matches and events can now have an end time (specified by matchTime: <value> in the config). Can be overriden in any match/event config section.
Fix for people that joined and disconnected with different gamemodes
Removed BattleTracker Dependency
New Features
new command. '''/<cmd> rank''', and '''/<cmd> rank <player>'''. Example, '''/skirmish rank'''. This needs BattleTracker v2.1.2 or above
'''/cmd leave''' now works at all times