BA Main
Default Competitions (all changeable)
- Arena: Fight with what is given to you in the config. You can't bring items in or out
- Skirmish: Bring in what you want to fight with, you take out whatever you pick up
- Battlegrounds: Winner is the highest kills after 1 minute. 4 teams may compete
- Colliseum: 4 teams against each other, last man standing wins
- FFA: last player/team left standing wins
- deathmatch: 2 minute event where if you die you respawn. Highest kills wins
- tourney: Pick a match type and do a single elimination tournament of that type.
Features (some of them)
- Give players "classes"
- Give or Take away Items
- Give or take away effects
- Custom prizes for victors, losers, etc
- Store/restore items/experience/gamemode
- Teleport players to arenas and back
- Let players respawn after death or not
- Wool Heads for teams
- Multiple language support
Advanced Setup Links
Youtube Tutorials
Different games made for BattleArena
Games made by other developers
Tracking Wins/Losses and Rating
If you want to have wins/losses/streaks/rating/ kd-ratio and leaderboards that is done through my other plugin BattleTracker which handles all stats.
- BattleTracker, complete pvp stat tracking system
API Developing
- BattleArena is a fully fledged API. Create your own custom events
- API Example | BattleArena Source
You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the rooms battleplugins, or bukkit in IRC through a browser