BattleArena (Abandoned)

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Project has not been updated in years, abandoning so that the name can be released.

If you have any questions please contact our support team


Battle Arena

Minigames Framework, PvP, and Solo combat with limitless customization


For updated files, please use the BattleArena2 page. It has all of our updated files, and many of the issues that exist in the latest version here have been fixed through updates.

Wiki Tutorial Perms Donate

Default Competitions (all changeable)

  • Arena: Fight with what is given to you in the config. You can't bring items in or out
  • Skirmish: Bring in what you want to fight with, you take out whatever you pick up
  • Battlegrounds: Winner is the highest kills after 1 minute. 4 teams may compete
  • Colosseum: 4 teams against each other, last man standing wins
  • FFA: last player/team left standing wins
  • deathmatch: 2 minute event where if you die you respawn. Highest kills wins


  • tourney: Pick a match type and do a single elimination tournament of that type.

Features (some of them)

  • Give players "classes"
  • Give or Take away Items and effects
  • Duel other players in any of the match types
  • Custom prizes for victors, losers, etc
  • Store/restore items/experience/gamemode, or not (if you want them to bring their own gear)
  • Teleport players to arenas and back
  • Let players respawn after death or not
  • Wool Heads for teams
  • Multiple language support

Advanced Setup Links

Youtube Tutorials

YouTube Tutorials


Different games made for BattleArena ArenaParkour

Beta Games

Games that are fully functional but could still use feedback to make them great Arena One in the Chamber

Games made by other developers

Tracking Wins/Losses and Rating

If you want to have wins/losses/streaks/rating/ kd-ratio and leaderboards that is done through my other plugin BattleTracker which handles all stats.

API Developing

Most Recent Update

Version File list | Changelog ChangeLog

Information Collection

To see what statistics this plugin may collect and send out from your server. See Information Collection. This can be disabled in BattlePluginsAPI/config.yml


This plugin checks for new bukkit release versions which can be disabled in the BattleArena/config.yml


You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the room #battleplugins or #battledev in IRC through a browser.


Dreadcraft Gaming Community

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 10, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 26, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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