
Here is the default configuration:

  StageSeconds: 60
  NoValue: -4.0
  YesValue: 1.0
  AfkValue: -0.25
  NonValue: 0.0
  ValidMin: 0.25
  ValidMax: -0.25
  PosMinutes: 30
  NegMinutes: 8
  CoolMinutes: 30
  CalcPublic: false
  Stats: true
  Update: true
  RequireReason: false
  RepeatPunishmentFactor: 1.1
  Mute: true
        ban: false
        kick: false
        command: jail $l $m

StageSeconds: time of one mute (in seconds)
NoValue: weight of a NO vote
YesValue: weight of a YES vote
AfkValue: weight of a NON vote because of being afk
NonValue: weight of a NON vote
ValidMin: positive vote value required to ban the target
ValidMax: negative vote value required to ban the voter
PosMinutes: ban minutes per positive result
NegMinutes: ban minutes per negative result
CoolMinutes: cooldown minutes on voting on a target
CalcPublic: whether or not the exact calculation should be made public
Stats: whether or not the plugin should contact my server
Update: should the plugin try to update? [before 0.1.2]
RequireReason: whether or not people need to give reasons
RepeatPunishmentFactor: the multiply factor per repeated punishment
Mute: should BanVote mute people so the rest can discuss?
Update: how should we update?
valid values:

  • both: announce and download
  • download: download, do not announce
  • announce: only announce, do not download everything else will disable the update check

The command block defines the custom commands. It should be self-explanatory. The first layer is the type, so in the example it is jail. To cast this, say /customvote [player] jailvote [reason]

Here are the possible variables that are being replaced:

  • $w => the player being the result winner
  • $l => the player being the result loser
  • $m => the result time calculated to minutes
  • $h => the result time calculated to hours
  • $s => the result time calculated to seconds
  • $fm => the result time, modulo minutes
  • $fh => the result time, floored hours