All this plugin does is force unwanted players to leave, either by banning them, kicking them, temporary banning them or IP-banning them. If you like, you can allow them to return by unbanning them.
This plugin will also report all the locations and notes an administrator has given on a banned player, and allows quick access to teleport to these locations to investigate (if required).
List of commands:
/ban [player] {-s} [reason] - Bans player [player] permanently from the server, and gives them a nice message each time they try to log in. If -s is added, the ban will be silent to the other players currently online. If a player is already banned, it will add additional information with [reason].
/tempban [player] {-s} [time] [reason] - Temporarily bans a player from the game. Time is given with an integer, followed by a unit, which is either s, m, h, or d. For example, /tempban nublet 30m spamming. Will ban player nublet for 30 minutes.
/kick [player] {-s} [reason] - kicks a player from the game with a friendly reason. The player will be able to instantly rejoin.
/banip [player] OR [IP] - blocks any account with a specific IP address from joining the game. /banip nublet will ban nublet, and ban his ip, whilst /banip will block any accounts that try to sign in with as their IP.
/warn [player] [reason] - warns a player about their actions, and saves it to the database.
/warnings {player} - if there is no argument for player, the person who executed the command's warnings will be shown. Otherwise it will be {player}'s
/baninfo [player] - Recalls information about banned player [player]. Will list the reason they were banned for, and any additional notes that have been added.
/addinfo [player] [information] - Adds additional information regarding a banned player. This will log the coordinates of where you are standing as well.
/removeinfo [player] [id] - removes an 'additional info' entry from the database. Useful if you make a mistake.
/bantp [player] [id] - Teleports you to the location of where the additional information with id [id] was made. Useful for investigations.
/banexport - Exports the database to banned-players.txt.
/banimport - Imports from banned-players.txt to the database.
Here are the permission nodes:
banreport.ban - required for /ban, /tempban
banreport.baninfo - required for /baninfo /addinfo, /removeinfo
banreport.bantp - required for /banexport and /banimport
banreport.warnings.own - is the player allowed to view their own warnings?
banreport.warnings.viewall - allow people to see any player's warnings.
Setting up:
BanReport runs off a MySQL database, and the query for the required table are here:
You can also use SQLite by setting useMySQL to false in the config.yml file.
Final notes:
- To update from 1.x to 2.x, see this page:
Hey, I used to work with mahoutsukaii and he has stopped working on Minecraft plugin your best bet is to look for something new or try and re-build the plugin yourself you can find the code on his github.
- Callum
hello.... i have discovered this plugin just now... it has interesting features like the /addinfo and /removeinfo . It just needs some work to make these more usable like a new /listinfo command, for example. And an update for the UUID.
Have you found a replacement? I'm looking for one too as this one doesn't function quite how I would like.
Considering it hasnt been updated since 2012 ... i doubt it. We are using this plugin as well, so i guess the hunt begins for a replacement.
Can we expect an update with UUID support before Mojang opens for user name changes?
If you or anyone plans to continue updating this plugin, could you implement /banlist? And could you add a way to notify moderators about new bans?
It would be really nice if I could remove warnings, because i want to unban some people, but I can't because they maxed out there warnings.
How do you set up mysql on this?
Is there a perm to become unbannable and unkickable? So if a player has the ability to kick, they can't kick mods and admins?
It has tempban.
It should be easy enough, just copy the ban files over to the new folder I guess
Hi, might sound a simple question but: We are currently using EssentialsBans on the server I am Admin on, and were looking at using this plugin as it allows access to the ban list for Mods and Admins. How easy is it to transfer the current EssentialsBans Ban list to this plugin?
I would love to use this plugin for ban management but i would need tempban . If you could put that in i would love this.
Still working on 1.5.1 ;)
Its just a bit annoying the colors dont match my server at all. Yet i can adjust tempban and stuff. Strange, hmm?
Still works for me on 1.4.7. Could you make a permission (ex. banreport.ban.exempt) so if you have that permission, al player that tries to ban you will see a message 'You cannot ban that player!'
But anyway, Nice Plugin!!
Getting this error when a specific banned player tries to join. And he can join! HELP!
Would be nice with a /banlist so you can see all the players that are banned
I'm having the same problem... I guess it doesn't matter too much
Still works for me
I believe that this has broke in 1.4.6.