All this plugin does is force unwanted players to leave, either by banning them, kicking them, temporary banning them or IP-banning them. If you like, you can allow them to return by unbanning them.
This plugin will also report all the locations and notes an administrator has given on a banned player, and allows quick access to teleport to these locations to investigate (if required).
List of commands:
/ban [player] {-s} [reason] - Bans player [player] permanently from the server, and gives them a nice message each time they try to log in. If -s is added, the ban will be silent to the other players currently online. If a player is already banned, it will add additional information with [reason].
/tempban [player] {-s} [time] [reason] - Temporarily bans a player from the game. Time is given with an integer, followed by a unit, which is either s, m, h, or d. For example, /tempban nublet 30m spamming. Will ban player nublet for 30 minutes.
/kick [player] {-s} [reason] - kicks a player from the game with a friendly reason. The player will be able to instantly rejoin.
/banip [player] OR [IP] - blocks any account with a specific IP address from joining the game. /banip nublet will ban nublet, and ban his ip, whilst /banip will block any accounts that try to sign in with as their IP.
/warn [player] [reason] - warns a player about their actions, and saves it to the database.
/warnings {player} - if there is no argument for player, the person who executed the command's warnings will be shown. Otherwise it will be {player}'s
/baninfo [player] - Recalls information about banned player [player]. Will list the reason they were banned for, and any additional notes that have been added.
/addinfo [player] [information] - Adds additional information regarding a banned player. This will log the coordinates of where you are standing as well.
/removeinfo [player] [id] - removes an 'additional info' entry from the database. Useful if you make a mistake.
/bantp [player] [id] - Teleports you to the location of where the additional information with id [id] was made. Useful for investigations.
/banexport - Exports the database to banned-players.txt.
/banimport - Imports from banned-players.txt to the database.
Here are the permission nodes:
banreport.ban - required for /ban, /tempban
banreport.baninfo - required for /baninfo /addinfo, /removeinfo
banreport.bantp - required for /banexport and /banimport
banreport.warnings.own - is the player allowed to view their own warnings?
banreport.warnings.viewall - allow people to see any player's warnings.
Setting up:
BanReport runs off a MySQL database, and the query for the required table are here:
You can also use SQLite by setting useMySQL to false in the config.yml file.
Final notes:
- To update from 1.x to 2.x, see this page:
Temp bans don't seem to clear off if you are also running essentials.
Note: Not compatible with 1.2.5.
Noo, don't add /unwarn. Better with /removewarning <player> <ID>.
Idea :
Me too, they can just log back in I think its broken. I am changing their passwords in the meanwhile
Does it requires Vault? Because i have it in server and yesterday it works, today it does not works and only 1 thing i have changed is Vault plugin... :/ (using MySQL)
Thank you for this nice plugin! :)
One question: MySQL or flat-file? (and why) ;)
Best regards.
Add a seperate perm node for the remove info command... We don't want our mods to have this ability. Only our admins..
EDIT: Also add support to remove warnings from players and such
You need to execute the MySQL code into your mysql window then make sure it is connected properly
Hello there I am getting the following error when using the baninfo command.
We are using version 2.41 of BanReport and bukkit build 2117
Just started using this plugin and it looks great! Is it possible for you to add a way that records the time and date of when a person was banned? I think that would be an awesome feature ;D
work this with PermissionsEX ?
Make /baninfo show old bans that are not active anymore! It's useful to see if the person is suitable to become member of the staff or something by checking does he have old bans..
Just switched from banhammer to this plugin because banhammer doesn't look like its going to update and it had a few issues. This plugin is much better and it works great. Its exactly what I wanted for my server. I love the warnings feature. The only thing I would like to see is a way to remove warnings via in-game command because some of my moderators tend to troll each other with warnings and its a pain to have to remove them from the database. This plugin is great and I hope it continues to get updates and not die out like others.
This is broken in latest beta build but works in fine in build 2083
how do i remove the /warnings of player
i tried /removeinfo (playername) 1
/removeinfo playername (player who warned him)
all cannot
Would it be a lot to ask for a way to tempban an ip address? :) It'd be nice to ban problem people for a limited time even if it was a month so the ban list doesn't get huge.. just an idea :)
what would be the permission to give all permissions to a certain group?
banreport.* ???
Or does /removeinfo [player] [id] works for warnings too? I don't see any id when I type /warnings player. I know I can remove it from the database, but too much work :P