AutoSave Reborn

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This is an updated and improved version of the plugin Simple-AutoSave under GNU license

If you want me to update another old plugin, send me a message to [email protected]



AutoSave is a simple plugin that automatically save all worlds and player's data every "x" minutes. It's easy to use and to configure. It's being updated with new functions suggested by users so if you have any suggestions, write it at comments or send me a mail!




1. Download the .jar

2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory

3. Restart your server



/asave - Help menu

/asave on - Start AutoSave

/asave off - Stop AutoSave

/asave save - Force an AutoSave

/asave status - Check status of the plugin

/asave reload - Reload the plugin configuration to defaults



autosave.autosave - Allows to use the plugin in-game

autosave.reload - Allows to use /asave reload in-game

autosave.admin - Only players with that permission will receive the Broadcast.AdminOnlyBroadcast



Configuration & Language

You can translate and change the configuration of the plugin modifying the file at /plugins/AutoSave/config.yml. The most relevant configuration options are:

Time.minutes.interval - Time (IN MINUTES) between automatically saving player and world data (default 10)

Broadcast.SilentMode - Operate in silent mode(No Broadcasts/Console logs) (default false)

Broadcast.ServerBroadcast - Broadcast a message to the server whenever data is autosaved (default true)

Broadcast.ConsoleLogging - Broadcast a message to the console whenever data is autosaved (default true)

Broadcast.BroadcastEachWorld - Broadcast a message of each world as it is saved (default false)

Broadcast.AdminOnlyBroadcast - Broadcast a message only to those with autosave.admin (default false)

Language.x - Every message displayed





- UPDATE: to Bukkit 1.14.4

- UPDATE: source code

- UPDATE: plugin page info



- UPDATE: to Bukkit 1.14.3

- UPDATE: new permissions (autosave.admin & autosave.reload)

- NEW: Language support (/plugins/AutoSave/config.yml)

NEW: source code



First version of the plugin




  • Pre-message alert
  • Backup world data






If you want me to update another old plugin, send me a message to [email protected]


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