
I was surprised at the trouble I had finding a simple plugin with which to automatically save world & player data every few minutes.
So I threw this together and as usual thought I'd go ahead and share it. "So does this do a simple forced save-all like I would do in console? Or in game? Instead of me or another op having to do it randomly?" It does exactly that, nice and simple.
It runs the save-all command at a specified interval, saving all world and player data..
You can set it up to do so silently, to only log to console, or to inform the whole server with a configurable message.
Installation:Upgrading to 0.2 Interval has been updated from Seconds to Minutes, be sure to update your config.yml accordingly!
1. Download the .jar
2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory
3. Restart the server Configuration:
• interval - Time (IN MINUTES) between Automatically saving player & world data.
• SilentMode - Operate in SilentMode. (No Broadcasts/Console logs)
• ConsoleLogging - Broadcast a message to the console whenever data is autosaved.
• BroadcastEachWorld - Broadcast a confirmation of each world as it is saved.
• ServerBroadcast - Broadcast a message to the server whenever data is autosaved.
• AdminOnlyBroadcast - Broadcast a message only to those with autosave.broadcast permission.
• AutoSaveMessage - Message to broadcast on AutoSave.
• /Asave - Menu
• /Asave on - Start AutoSave timer
• /Asave off - Stop AutoSave timer
• /Asave save - Force an AutoSave
• /Asave status - Check status of AutoSave
• /Asave reload - Reload AutoSave config
Autosave.admin - Toggle Autosaving
Autosave.reload - Reload config
Autosave.broadcast - Only users with this permission will see the broadcast (AdminOnlyBroadcast)
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DogeCoin: D5ZNpX1ejVoSwdupoanZmm3STpRcpfnnft Thankyou for your support! :D Change-Log:
- UPDATE: for Spigot API 1.10.2
- ADDED: AdminOnlyBroadcast
- ADDED: Option to toggle console logging
- UPDATE: Save procedure rewrite
- Fixed: Console colours not displaying correctly when serverbroadcast = false
- Added/Fixed: Reloading config
- Updated: config.yml
- Updated: interval time NOW IN MINUTES (Updated from SECONDS)

Guys, I need help with rollbacking the world, I am using this autosave plugin but I am really unsure what files I need to delete to go back I've tried region and world ect but all that does it resets the entire map even if I just delete resent files can anyone help?
You are wrong. This doesn't work backwards, you need exactly a 1.6.4 version. Imagine it with mods (I'm using MCPC+ so ikr). You can't use a 1.8 mod for 1.6.4, because maybe things have changed, and it was designed to be used in 1.8. Just an example ;)
You got an error because this version is only available on Minecraft/Bukkit 1.7.2
On Spigot 1.9
I also get A manual (plugin-induced) save has been detected while server is configured to auto-save. This may affect performance.
4:16:12 πμ [warning] A manual (plugin-induced) save has been detected while server is configured to auto-save. This may affect performance.
plz help me for errro !
@futhead_ShaqFinity 1.3.2 will work just fine.
It replaces the original world file. So it don't create a new one that takes up A LOT of place after a while.
Is there a Version for 1.6.4? I really need one
euhm, Version 0.2.2 Didn't create a cfg file for us :s (running 1.6.4, but it should be backwards compatible, right?)
Also this: 13:23:42 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Simple-AutoSave v0.2.2 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NullPointerException at me.odium.autosave.autosave.onEnable( at at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71243_i( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71222_d( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at
I suppose this just makes the /save command in game automatically. Or is it /save-all or what but anyway, it just makes that so the save data goes into the server data where it would go normally when shutting down the server or saving.
learn to use pastebin
Your plugin is great, but I cannot seem to find where it actually saves the world and the playerdata to. Either I'm too clumsy, or I'm doing something wrong? Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I don't know if this is because of this plugin but I got this in the console for some reason after world-save / player data save: [10:37:10] [Server thread/WARN]: A manual (plugin-induced) save has been detected while server is configured to auto-save. This may affect performance.
Please read the plugin description.
I may look into this for future updates.
You are confused. Please read the plugin description/config file.
Toggle option for Console logging added in latest version.
Please read the plugin description/config file.
So does this save my world and put it in like a folder or something? Would I be able to go back in to a folder and grab one of the saves?
Would be possible to add in support for multi-lined messages?
As it is, I have to put a ton of spaces in, to get messages spaced out properly, so that if I have something like below, it'll show up on two separate lines.. It's rather annoying, as I'd like to have the messages be longer and more interactive, but I'm limited on what I can do, because it counts everything as one single paragraph..
" AutoSaveMessage: '`1[`CCaptain Kirk`1] `2Commence the saving of the world, number
one. `1[`rSpock`1] `2Saving the world, captain.'"
Hi there,
A little feature request: While the BroadcastEachWorld is handy, with a few worlds this can seem a little spammy, and without BroadcastEachWorld turned on there is no confirmation message that everything saved successfully. Any change you can add in an option to say "All worlds saved successfully"?
Great Plugin.
I have a new feature request:
Could you please make it so we can configure auto save per world, not global.
Thank you