
There is a new option in the config, languageOfStaticMessages

languageOfStaticMessages: english

Languages supported: English, French, German, Spanish, and Swedish.
Supports any of the following entries:

english, spanish, espanol, espagnol, french, francais, franzais, franczais, german, deutsche, swedish, svenska

Spanish: ask8ball que es la significa de la vida?

ask8ball soy gay?
Sí, pero está bien.

ask8ball mezcla?
Yo no sé, pide Tom Dickson.

French: ask8ball Quel est le sens de la vie?

ask8ball suis-je gai?
Oui, mais c'est normal.

ask8ball Est-ce melange?
Je ne sais pas, demander à Tom Dickson.

German: ask8ball Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?

ask8ball Bin ich Homosexuell?
Ja, aber es ist ok.

ask8ball will es mischen?
Ich wei§ nicht, fragen Sie Tom Dickson.

Swedish: ask8ball Vad ar meningen med livet?

ask8ball ar jag bog?
Ja, men det är okej.

ask8ball ar blandning det?
Jag vet inte, fråga Tom Dickson.

I realize there are some translation problems, but in the next version, these will all be fixed.


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