Permissions and Commands

Main Install Usage Recipes CandN Plans


There aren't many permissions but here they are anyway:

  • armorsaddles.* - Master node (combines all other nodes into this one, you don't need to add anymore with this one)
  • armorsaddles.saddle - Allows crafting of the saddle
  • armorsaddles.iron - Allows crafting of the iron barding
  • - Allows crafting of gold barding
  • armorsaddles.diamond - Allows crafting of diamond barding
  • armorsaddles.nametag - Allows crafting of nametag
  • armorsaddles.horseegg - Allows crafting of the mystical horse egg (sorry for the awkward spelling)
  • NEW to v3.3 armorsaddles.reload - Reloads config
  • NEW to v3.3 armorsaddles.edit - Edit config in game
  • NEW to v3.3 - Saves config

All of these are defaulted to OPs only, add them to specific groups or specific people as you wish


  • /asrecipe RECIPENAME - Possible names:
  1. nametag
  2. iarmor
  3. garmor
  4. darmor
  5. saddle
  6. horseegg

These will show basic text versions of recipes in chat (although I have now realized essentials /recipe shows custom recipes)

  • /armorsaddles - Some basic info on the plugin itself and a 'thank you' to all those who have and are helping me along the way
  • NEW to v3.3 /asreload - reload the config
  • NEW to v3.3 /asave - saves config
  • NEW to v3.3 /asedit <ConfigValue> <true/false> - Possible ConfigValues:
  1. nametag
  2. saddle
  3. horseegg
  4. ads
  5. diamondarmor
  6. goldarmor
  7. ironarmor

You can do either true, false, T, F, 1, 0 as true/false values


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