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Installing ArmorSaddles

This process is pretty easy, but just in case here are the steps with pictures:

Step One

  • Download ArmorSaddles
  • You can either get the newest version by clicking on download (1) or get an older file for an older bukkit by clicking Files (2)

point 1

Step Two

  • Extract plugin using Winrar or 7zip

Step Two and a half

  • Optional: read the README (3)(could be helpful, never know)

point 2 + 3

Step Three (Longest part)

  • Get the ArmorSaddles.jar (4, pic above) and place it into your plugins folder (5)

point 3

  • If it asks you, if you want to replace the existing file, press yes (6) (I won't as my existing plugin is a newer version)

point 3.5

Step Four

  • Reload or restart your server

Step Five NB

  • Most important step: Have fun!

Disabling Plugin Metrics

Unfortunately some people may not want to send anonymous general data for the purpose of improving the plugin (this being thing's like server game version, server type, etc.). You can disable it by doing the following steps, and don't worry it won't affect the performance of the plugin (but will make me sad :( )

Step One

  • Access your plugins folder

Step one

Step Two

  • Enter the plugin metrics folder (automatically made when server starts up for the first time with ArmorSaddles installed)

Step two

Step Three

  • Open config in notepad or notepad plus plus (recommended)

Step three

Step Four

  • Change opt-out to true

Step four


Please note that my plugin may not be the only one using plugin metrics, so by disabling it, you will disable the mcstats for other plugins too.


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