

The configuration file is now dynamically generated to more closely reflect the internal state and to allow the plugin to adapt if any new creatures, blocks or spawn types are added to the game. Because of this some of the entries may look a bit weird (especially block types) as it may have things like 'leaves' and 'leaves_2'. Both are leaves, but for different trees. If you aren't sure what block type refers to what block, ask. The config file is written from the point of view of when should the plugin do something.

In the config file, a section is generated for each world, with the world name being the section name. Within each world config is the following:

  • world mode - what mode should this world be in (explained below)
  • safe time start - the in game time the plugin should start being active
  • safe time end - the in game time the plugin should stop being active
  • global - settings used on in the global mode (below)
    • height limit mode - Above means the plugin should be active above the given world height, below means it should be active below the given world height
    • height limit - the height used with the height limit mode
  • all block types - should the plugin stop spawns on all block types
  • block types - this is a big list of all the block types in the game. false means ignore spawns on that block types, true is the opposite
  • all spawn reasons - should the plugin stop all spawn reasons
  • spawn reasons - this is a list of all the possible spawn reasons in the game, a spawn reason being a type of spawn, such as a spawner egg
  • all creature types - should the plugin stop all creature types
  • creature - a list of all the creatures in the game and their false/true values.

World Modes

There are four available modes a world can be in:

  • none - ignore this world
  • global - regards spawns everywhere, respecting height spawn limit setttings
  • safe - only active for spawns that happen within defined zones (see commands)
  • unsafe - only active for spawns that happen out with the defined zones (see commands)

If you are unsure about the config file, I will happily try to help.


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